While the Cat is away...

"The Boss" is away for the next two days so maybe I'll have some time to catch up on my blogging!! Jeesh these jobs that get in the way of my internet activity.

Last night was the Grey Cup here in Canada. I am a fan of the Grey Cup and through out the season I will watch the odd BC game to follow how the old hometown boys are fairing. I've mentioned my teenage love of the BC Lions but to be honest, I don't follow it as religiously as I used to. I don't follow WWE Wrestling as I used to either but that's a good thing!

Sadly, my Lions were defeated last weekend by The Edmonton Eskimos, so as a result, I was routing for The Montreal Aloutte's to win the game. Regardless of whom I was cheering for, this was one of the best football games I have ever seen. I'm secretly glad BC wasn't involved because there was so much excitement and tension going back and forth as to who it looked like was going to win, I probably would have passed out if I really cared one way or the other. In the end, the Eskimos one a very very well played and exciting game.

I made snacks for the festivities and of course, ate too many of them so that I was good and full by the time "the colon-bombs" were ready. G makes the most massive hamburgers that he can stick together with goodness and greasy'ness. In an attempt to get into the idea of eating this monstrosity, I cut mine in half. Then proceeded to not eat it because I was too full on my previously eaten snacks. It was crazy.

We had friends Ethan and Liz over to share in the eating and football watching. Ethan has been a part of our Grey Cup celebrations for the last four years. We don't see him very often because he likes to hermit himself every few months and we loose contact but with the recent addition of a cell phone to his life, I'm hoping the gaps between visits aren't so far apart. He's a good egg. A little hard boiled but a good egg none-the-less.

And that was our Sunday. Go BC!!


I mean how long do we have to have circulating rumours before this!

Why won't Brad and Angelina just finally come OUT with it!

#'s are down

I notice my site hits are down since I've been so busy with work. I guess that's understandable. I don't want to turn into a "Mr. Bitter" though and only post once a month OR LESS. Right now I'm coming in around one a week and that's just unacceptable to me!!

What can we talk about today? The recent snow fall....who cares. The job? Same old same old. Nothing official yet. Move, ya we're gonna move but I'm not sure when or where. G-man and I are going to try and come to some decision about that this weekend. Babies? Ya...there's lots of babies out there in the world. NEXT!

With the onset of the Christmas season, I'm trying to get my husband to cough up a few items for me to put on his list out the "the family". You'd think I was trying to take a kidney for god's sake. The man hates only one thing more than buying things for himself; other people buying things for him. So I'm wracking my brain trying to remember all the things he mentioned in passing over the year. Man! I don't know what's up with me. I can come up with 10 things with a snap. Does that make me materialistic? An avid consumer? Or just plan greedy?

Not counting chickens....

I had a very enlightening talk with "the boss" on Friday and he let the cat out of the bag that HR is in the works to secure me my job. With all the being patient and waiting until the dust settles, I hadn't actually thought it would happen so soon.

Friday was the end of the initial 6 weeks that they originally booked me for. TB (the boss) asked me if there was anything we needed to do with the agency, and when I wasn't sure what exactly he was asking me, he blurted, "You're not getting cold feet are you? You still want to join the team don't you? Tell me now because HR is making it happen!" There were too many questions and information loaded into three, short quickly spewed sentences. I told him that I wasn't getting cold feet, that I did still want the job and that all they had to do was contact the agency, tell them they wanted to hire me and pay a "finder's fee". So there it was. TB did say that I would have to go through the "formality" of applying for the position but he assured me, "It's just a formality."

So I'm not counting any chickens yet but, considering my ID and email were set up today, things are looking pretty darn good. I'll let you know when I sign on the dotted line.

One more and then I'll stop!

Okay, one more "Subway Etiquette" pet peeve and that's it...for now. Actually this isn't even a pet peeve. This is something that drives me to want to pull out the "people's machete" and start swinging.

When the train pulls into the station during rush hour, why do people stand right in front of the doors blocking your ability to exit the train. Why?!! Tell me why?!! And what's worse than that is when they come in as soon as the doors open and don't even give you a chance to leave? I mean COME ON!!! Are you really in that much of a hurry?

Today's Pet Peeves

1) People that don't take their backpacks off when riding an overcrowded streetcar. I mean come on?!!

2) People that stand 2 by 2 on an escalator. Don't they know the rule? Stand right walk left. Some of us took too long getting ready in the morning and are late for work and don't have time to ride the escalator like it's a ride at Wonderland!!!

That's all I've got this morning. Any others?


The G-man, ‘Bad-Teeth”, and I went to see Jarhead on Friday (long weekend, Remembrance Day – odd or fitting to go and see a “war movie”?). First of all I have to say that I’ve never really been a major fan of Jake Gyllenhaal. Actually I was sort of luke warm about him before I saw this movie. In fact, while we were in S.F. he apparently came into a diner around the corner from our hotel (best pancakes I’ve EVER had) and a few of my fellow cast members caught a glimpse.

I thought he was fine in The Good Girl with Lady Aniston. He was tolerable in The Day After Tomorrow (more to do with the fact the movie was shit not so much his performance). I haven’t seen Midnight Mile so I’m not sure how he faired there and I thought he was pretty edgy and weird in Donna Darko.

Along comes Jarhead. Now I’ll preface this by saying, yes, he does show his butt in a really dimly lit shower scene. And it’s a pretty great butt at that. With all the muscles and the barebuttedness, it was a wonderful delight. Now that I’ve openly admitted to the girly stuff, I have to say I really liked this movie. Here we are five days later and I’m still thinking about it.

The movie is uncanny in its effect. It contains no heroism, little action, no easy laughs. It is about men who are exhausted, bored, lonely, trained to the point of obsession and given no opportunity to use their training.

Here's an accurate review. And on top of all that...he's got a nice tushy!

Something's Wrong With Me...

I don't really know how to explain it but yesterday, in the middle of an hour and a half meeting I found myself...well interested and involved. It was at that point that I allowed myself to admit that I really want this job. I like working for this VP. We have a good rapport; not too serious not too jokey. The work is satisfying and I feel important because I'm the right hand man to "the man" and to get to him they have to come through me. I'm starting to get him organized and I can tell he's appreciative. Not only does he tell me to my face but I overhear him telling other people.

This past week he caught one of the computer geeks walking by (I know, politically incorrect but really...that's what they are. I wish I was a computer geek. They get paid a lot of money for their geekness.) and he told him to set me up with a "computer ID". Now I feel he could have asked anyone with "permanent status" to do the little updating tasks he was trying to get me to do. My little overactive brain likes to believe that he wouldn't be taking this step if I wasn't almost in the door.

And during that meeting yesterday, I was looking at the woman who stands to inherit my job and she was complete disengaged from the situation. She spent the majority of the time staring down at the pen she was rolling between her fingers. I actually gave input to the meeting. Me. Input. To a meeting. In an office. Where people work and stuff.

I don't know what kind of spell has come over me but hopefully I don't wake up 2 years from now in the middle of this job and say, "Wha?! Where'd my stage go? My costumes? My opening night parties?!!" I probably will, but for the time being, I'm enjoying myself.

A shoulder to cry on...

Oh Rabsy. I'm so sorry. I just found out. I imagine considering you're recent post, that you'll be utterly devistated. If you need a shoulder to cry on, you know I'm always here for you.

Too Busy!!!

Well folks, this "assignment" / job has got me running off my feet and I've barely had time to keep up with my "reading" of blogs let alone "writing" of blogs.

To make it up to y'all, here's a little Wednesday afternoon pick-me-up. Enjoy.

And here's one more for ya!


And there is some quality funny over at Go Fug Yourself. Check it out!

oooh the cuteness!

I have to show off Ellen's daughter Anna here for a moment because she's one of the cutest babies I've ever seen in my life. Every other day, Ellen posts a new picture of her on her blog and each one is cuter that the last one.

And Grody's newest addition, Evan is so tiny that the cute factor is out of control.

Now, I'm a BIG fan of cute babies. My nephew Elijah was one of the cutest! (Don't think I'm playing favourites. I have two other nephews that are equally adorable but I didn't get to see them much as babies. The hazards of living on the other side of the country from your sister and her family. Sniff...sniff!)

I can't take much more of this. I'd better get pregnant soon or I'm going to loose my mind for all the babies. Last week, CBC's The Nature of Things was a two hour story on what babies learn while in the womb and what, if any, memories they carry with then once they are born. Very fascinating and some incredible new advanced ultrasound footage. Then on CSI last week it started off with a bunch of spermies rushing to fertilize and egg. Then it showed a zygote growing into an embryo and on and on. Finally, last night on Grey's Anatomy (yes, my life revolves around television. I'm not denying that!!) they had this guy that thought he was pregnant. Turned out he had a growth of cells (gross I know) that had been with him his entire life but while his wife was growing bigger with her pregnancy, his body grew this mass of cells until it looked like he was pregnant!! I mean come on already. That compounded by the number of pregnant women I see over the course of the day or families with new borns. Is all this really necessary?!!!

Things to say

Okay, it's been a mad-house at work this week so I've been very remiss on my postings. Apologies fellow bloggers and blog-readers!
Here's a quick run down on what's been going on:
  1. On the job front - the VP I'm working for got the promotion and would like to bring me on as his assistant BUT there are two admins on his team that need jobs. He has to either, find them jobs within the team (or within the company) or take them on as his assistant. He's asked me to be patient with him as it all sorts out, which I'm doing...as best as I can.
  2. We're on month two of "TTC". I'll keep you posted on how that is going in two weeks!
  3. Our new computer at home is up and running. G surprised me last night with the whole thing set up, monitor and everything! It's a thing of beauty because it runs fast, looks cool and it was a gift (minus the monitor) from our good friends Lisa and Alvaro so it was free (if you don't count the manpower hours G paid helping Lisa get her rental suite "rentable").
  4. I've been in a Royal Battle with Roger's Wireless but I appear to be winning as I continue to have service.
  5. G-Man's parents and sister have decided to come out to T.O. for Christmas this year. Very excited about that. I love having family around for Christmas!
  6. I'm going through withdrawals from my "Overcoat" gang. We were together 24/7 for six weeks and now...nothin'! It's too weird.
  7. Fellow blogger and all around awesome chick, Grody Jody, was induced yesterday so I'm waiting with baited breathe to hear how she and baby are doing. Go Grody!!
  8. My dad seems to have taken a turn for the worst. I was visiting last night and he wasn't interested in anything. Not eating, not socializing, nothing. It was really sad to see because he was like that when my aK saw him on Tuesday so we figure he's been like this for a few days now. He was making some really good progress socially but they had to take him off of a drug that was giving him "initiation motivation" because it was having some side effects. It seems now that the drug is out of his system he has completely withdrawn and we're not sure what's next.
  9. Starting Saturday night, G-man's working for the next seven days straight so I'm preparing to watch A LOT of TV!
  10. It looks like I didn't get the part in that short film. I'm disappointed, because I thought it would have been a lot of fun and good to get back in the "film-game" a little but...c'est la vie!

That's about it. With the new computer at home and the workaholic husband over the next seven days, I'm sure there will be a lot more posts coming in the next little while.

Enjoy weekends folks!

Not coming to an Inbox near you!

I stole this from a fellow "new Queen" at The Diary of The Nello (not too sure what the name means as I have yet to fully examine her site). It looked like fun and instead of forwarding it in an email I thought I would just post it here and if anyone wants to read it they can. If they want to play along, they can just cut & paste the post it in their blog (or send out an email).
The trick is to bold any of the ones that are true for you. Here we go:
  • smoked a cigarette - grade nine - smoked "Craven A Menthol" for a week. I couldn't stand the smell and it made me nauseous. So I QUIT!!
  • crashed a friend's car - it was my mom's car and she freaked out!!!
  • stolen a car
  • been in love - I'm a happily married woman
  • been dumped - oh ya
  • shoplifted- again, grade nine, local corner store. It was a bad year!
  • been fired
  • been in a fist fight - grade eight this time. A boy made a negative comment on a new hair cut and it came to blows. The vice principle broke us up and told us that he wouldn't tell our parents if we behaved around one another. Turns out he did tell our parents but I didn't fined out until about five years ago.
  • snuck out of your parent's house
  • had feelings for someone who didn't have them back - does Marky Mark count?
  • been arrested
  • gone on a blind date - weird intenet chat room date thing...didn't work out well.
  • lied to a friend - white lie but nothing serious...that I can remember anyway.
  • skipped school- once but was so nervous about getting caught that I never had the guts to do it again.
  • seen someone die
  • had a crush on one of your internet friends
  • been to The U.S. - too numerous to count. Most recently, San Francisco with The Overcoat
  • been to Mexico
  • been on a plane
  • purposely set a part of yourself on fire - people do this?
  • eaten sushi - Sushi Island rocks!
  • been jet-skiing
  • met someone in person from the internet - ya, see above
  • been moshing at a concert
  • taken pain killers - I get really bad headaches so I've been known to take T-3's when I can get my hands on them.
  • loved and missed someone - my family is spread out across the country so...yes
  • made a snow angel
  • had a tea party - Maybe when I was a kid but nothing I remember doing lately.
  • flown a kite - One of the best things to do at English Bay.
  • built a sand castle - When we first moved to B.C. we moved to White Rock Beach so...yes.
  • gone puddle jumping - With my friend Lenka's son, Reece.
  • played dress up - Sometimes I even get paid for it.
  • jumped in a pile of leaves
  • gone sledding - with all those mountains and snow in BC..you betcha!
  • cheated while playing a game - I once whispered the answer while playing "Pictionary" because my team was soooo not getting it and we were getting our butts kicked by "the boys"!
  • been lonely - yup.
  • fallen asleep at work or school- I used to go into the handicapped washroom at work (Peterbilt 1990) and sleep on the floor for 10 minutes at a time. I was 19...what did I know about germs!!
  • used a fake id- No. I was too afraid of getting caught.
  • watched a sun set - Many
  • felt an earthquake - A "small one" back in 2000 in Vancouver. I thought it was just a big truck driving by until I saw the wall actually moving!
  • touched a snake- Yup. I like snakes.
  • slept beneath the stars - Did a lot of camping as a kid.
  • been robbed- My bike got stolen from the railing outside my house when I was 25.
  • been misunderstood - All too often. It's usually my own fault though. I have a tendency to lack clarity when I get emotional.
  • petted a reindeer/goat - Maybe not a reindeer but a goat I'm sure.
  • won a contest - I used to win stuff all the time but I think I used up all my "winning" karma because I haven't in a while.
  • run a red light/stop sign - A few times... but I was in a hurry and the light wasn't changing and there was no one coming!
  • been suspended from school
  • been in a car accident - ya...see above...mom's car remember
  • eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night - Yup, maybe not a pint but definitely a tub of Ben & Jerry's. What's that? A half a pint? 1/4?
  • had deja vu - All the time. I wish they could figure out what exactly it means. Past life? Remembered dream? Glitch in The Matrix?
  • danced in the moonlight
  • liked the way you looked at least at one point in time - My wedding comes to mind...
  • witnessed a crime
  • been obsessed with post-it notes - I have an obsession with all things "Office Supply".
  • squished barefoot through the mud - not that I can remember.
  • been lost - too many times to recount. I'm not the greatest with directions.
  • been on the opposite side of the country - I have yet to make it to The Maritimes but, I've been to Vancouver and back NUMEROUS times.
  • swam in the ocean
  • cried yourself to sleep - Well... yes. Not that you really need to know that, but yes.
  • played cops and robbers
  • recently colored with crayons
  • sung karaoke - I really don't like Karaoke because I don't think I'm a very good singer but I convinced my gal-pal Judi to sing Pat Benetar's Love is a Battlefield. Also sang that one with Tina at our "Children of the 80's" New Years Party.
  • paid for a meal with only coins - I'm sure I did this during college.
  • done something you told yourself you wouldn't - I'm not very good at following my own directions.
  • made prank phone calls
  • laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose - too many times. I "corpse" very easily. The one I remember the clearest was during Cadet Camp when I was 15. We had a very funny group of cadets that used to eat meals together. I once laughed at the wrong moment and milk came out my nose. Not a pretty sight folks!
  • caught a snow flake on your tongue - I think I did this once... and it wasn't magical at all.
  • written a letter to Santa Claus - Didn't we all when we were in grade one and two. I think it was an opportunity for the teachers to go our for a smoke break.
  • been kissed under the mistletoe by your boy/girlfriend
  • watched the sun rise with someone you care about- G-Man and I got up for the last sunrise during our honeymoon. Bottle of champagne. Terribly romantic.
  • blown bubbles - One day, while we were both in Vancouver, G and I drove around downtown and streamed bubbles out the window. Super fun. People either loved it or looked at us like we were idiots.
  • made a bonfire on the beach
  • laughed so hard you pee your pants - I think I was laughing. It was on the Salt & Pepper Shaker Amusement Park Ride when I was 18. Very embarrassing.
  • cheated on a test
  • been kissed by someone you didn't like - yes, and luckily for me my best friend was right there and snapped a picture of it. I burned the picture afterwards. Gross.
  • gone skinny dipping in a pool - With my mom if you can believe it.