Oh Orlando!

Okay, before you watch this you have to understand a couple of things about me.

  1. When the Lord of the Rings Trilogy was being release, I was in the thick of it with all the LOTR nerds. Love the movies, love the extended versions on DVD, even have the Trivial Pursuit - Lord of the Rings Movie version.
  2. I love / techno house music. Although some may disagree that this is "technically" techno music. Whatever. It's awesome.

Okay...now you might understand why I had to post this.

And this is just simply CRAZY!

If you're about to get married and your future husband hands you this ...run! Run very fast and don't look back!

Good for a laugh...

Thanks to Mental Tech for pointing this gem out.

I needed a day like today

7am Alarm goes off. Snooze for 5 minutes.

7:05 am Feed cats (kick Marlowe in the bum for waking me up at 5:30am with her incessant meowing).

7:06 Start coffee maker (one of my favourite Christmas gifts from F&MIL)

7:08 Shower - completely luke warm ...can't wait to move. One guarantee we have from the previous tenant of our new apartment is the shower pressure and temperature is fabulous!!!

7:15 Coffee - nectar of the gods

7:16 Check email - read and return

7:18 Decide to go into work late - no boss = no hurry

7:35 Go wake up G - I've heard the alarm going off for quite a while and I decide he should get up with me, now that I've decided to go into work late. Get dressed while convincing him to get his hairy butt out of bed (oops...TMI? Sorry folks)

7:45 Should be heading out the door but instead I sit down on the couch to watch G play some Grand Turismo.

8:00 Last exit opportunity to leave the house with any hope of getting to work on time.
Go to start my make up.

8:07 Do hair.

8:17 Kisses goodbye and out the door.

8:45 Arrive at work. Really only 15 minutes late. No one notices or would care if they did.

9:00 Go downstairs for a coffee and bagel. Yummy with cream cheese today.

9:10 Back at desk. Start catching up on my blog reading.

10:00 Post MzMaizun Blog (see below)

10:05 Surf more blogs, ie Postsecret, Go Fug Yourself, etc.

11:00 Have to burn some files onto a CD for a co-worker....gawd! Yeesh

11:12 Go to the Rogers Wireless website and browse for a new ring tone. Find this. So excited. Please call me so I can hear it!

11:45 Chatting with a female co-worker and have to make up a reason why I can't go to this with her next Friday night. Not that I'm not into this I just really covet my Friday nights. When I tell her I might be caught up with packing, not only does she offer to come over and help me pack but says that if we want help the evening of the 1st, she can come by and help us unpack as well. Is she on crack?

12:30 Search online for replacement computer accessories for new hire. No luck. Pass project on to co-worker with more "connections".

12:45 ....mmmm don't remember

1:20 Go to get my nails done up at Wellesley and Yonge - Nail's Attraction. Love it!

2:30 Get back to work.

2:35 Search through store room of old computer parts to find needed computer accessories. Apparently co-worker's "connections" didn't help her out any.

3:00 Return some emails from boss....he took his Blackberry with him!! Damn!

3:30 Go downstairs for food.

3:45 Browse through the bookstore for any new Jeffrey Deaver books. None.

3:55 Consider buying some Pringles to go with my Chinese Food. Decide against it as I figure it will be chips, beer, 2 episodes of 24 and 3 of CSI Las Vegas (on the pvr) while I pack tonight.

4:00 Start blogging.

4:22 Post

ah...I really needed a day like this! I'm going home!


Oh kids! It' s been a long three weeks! I've barely had time to blink let alone read or write a blog! Little did I realize that by getting this job and finally having access to all the "systems", it would amount to a TON of work to do.

The thing of it is, in the four months that I've been temping, there have been certain tasks that have gone without an administrator. The admin that I was replacing left with the only access to a number of "systems". As a result, becoming permanent gave me access to all those "systems" and a crap load of catching up to do.

And the fact that I'm blogging today is not an indication of the completion of all that catching up, it's just "the boss is away...so I will play"...alittle.

I've got some catching up to do in here too! Here are the highlights:
  1. The Guardianship for my dad is now official. Our court date was February 2nd (god that feels like a year ago already) and with the exception of one small and rather avoidable bump in the process, all went well. The judge was a real character. Super hard-ass, treating the lawyers like misbehaving children from the schoolyard. Granted, I've never seen such unprepared people in my life but the way the judge was treating them, I thought our case was going to be raked over the coals. Luckily for us, he was extremely compassionate to our situation and even suggested to our lawyer to reduce her bill considering it's magnitude. Thanks Judgey!
  2. Our move is growing closer by the day. Now that we're two weeks away, I hate our current apartment more and more. The hot water/water pressure issues plus the outrageous lack of sound proofing is driving me mad. Last night I went to bed at 11 and finally got up at 11:45 because there was so much going on upstairs that there was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep.
  3. We think there may be something physically wrong with Marlowe. Internally I mean. Around the pooper! She so needy lately and meowing more than ever. If you've spent any time with her you know she's fairly chatty. Now her chats have gotten intense and demanding. I don't know how to explain it other than she seems royally pissed off about something. So we're going to take her for a check up.
  4. G's addicted to this, when he's not Event Planning or Auto Show working. Pretty fun to watch. I find myself coaching him through corners and telling him to hurry once he's approaching the finish line. The weirdest thing about watching is that when he's going through the sharp turns, we both lean as if we are really trying to turn. Odd!

And that's about it. Work work work otherwise.

A new blog is born!

My sister's started a blog to document the adventure of her three boys, my wonderfully adorable nephews. Check it out on the side there under "Other Blogs I Read".