Rabsy is sick of seeing Orlando and all the laughing babies so I have to put something new in here.
First things first! My sister and her family are moving to Ontario!!! I'm so excited!!! As you may or may not know, my sister (and her husband O, she didn't do it all herself!) has three young boys and I've always had a hard time knowing they are growing up on the other end of the country from me. I haven't been able to spoil them the way an Auntie should!!! But now they'll be in Milton, less that 45 minutes away! They'll finish out the school year and then drive across and make a family vacation out of it! Another reason to anticipate the coming of summer!!!
Last night's Oscars were a bit dull to say the least. It's a good thing that
a) I was hanging out with a group of friends and
b) betting on the outcome. It's even better that I tied with TOJ and we got to split the jackpot! Yeah for us!!!
We've moved!!! Wednesday was the big move day! Phew! We hired movers this time for a couple of reason. First of all, we're lazy and we didn't want to have to do any work. Just kidding. Actually, we're just getting old and our bodies are breaking down so we didn't want to have to do any work. Alright alright! Considering it was mid-week, we didn't have the "friend-pool" to draw from so instead of doing ALL the work ourselves, we hired help. These guys were awesome. Two big strapping Russian guys with very very thick accents. Boy did they work hard. It was great. That's not to say we didn't work hard too; they were getting paid by the hour and the more work we did to help the less the final bill would be. All in all it came in at five hours from the time they arrived to the time they left, plus one hour of travel for them to and from. Let me say one thing: if you are a person over the age of 30 and you can afford it....hire a moving company to help you move! You won't regret it. I promise you. Just seeing those guys carrying our cumbersome items up the one level of stairs (new apartment is a walk up) was worth the price of admission. That wasn't my straining back or aching biceps. (I know they're huge already!) Well worth it I tell ya! If you're looking for a little company that has good hard working movers, check out
GTA Movers.
That's about it. Living amongst boxes and chaos but I already love the new pad. The family was out yesterday and gave us the seal of approval. Big thumbs up. The girls (Marlowe & Lucy) are adjusting although Marlowe has taking to spending a lot of time in a closet. Not in a cowering kind of way but in a sleeping kind of way. Every time we can't find her she's sleeping in this closet. Oh well, at least she's sleeping and not meowing her head off like she did our first night there. I think we got maybe 45 minutes of sleep the whole night cuz she was so freaked out. But the next night she got rather closely acquainted with the closet (by accident got locked in) and we didn't hear a peep! So now we've given her a little more freedom by just locking her in the 2nd bedroom. Seems to be working out okay. She doesn't have too much space to roam and get freaky!!