Getting Involved?

Last night we watched "Hotel Rwanda". I don't do well with movies like these because I get too emotionally attached and in the end feel small and helpless. Last night was no exception. I went to bed feeling frustrated that acts of genocide can still occur in our century. That the "world powers" go into a country looking for non exsistant WMD's because they are afraid for their own safety but when a million people are being slaughtered because of their height or shape of their nose, the same "world powers" sit by and let it happen. It's absolutely disgusting.
Feeling like one voice in a cavern of emptiness I turned to the Amnesty International in Toronto website. They have orientations for new members the fourth Thursday of every month. As it seems I just missed it for this month I'm going to go June 23rd. Anyone want to join me?

1 comment:

Soft Headed Liberal said...

I might join you. I donate monthly to them ... although with my income that's about 23 cents ... but seriously. They do good work.