Movies, movies, movies!!!

I'm not going to bother to talk about how I never have time to post anymore. Oh wait! I just did.


I inherited a laptop through work as I needed something to take notes on and do presentations with during offsite meetings. I love my new laptop because of why? Window's Movie Maker! I spent the better part of Friday night making a little movie with footage of Marlowe. Unfortunately the system crashed (great laptop!) and I lost it but it was fun to learn how to use the program.

My challenge now seems to be converting the footage that comes from my digital camera as a ".mov" into ".avi". When I did it Friday night, although it took a long time, it converted no problem. When I tried last night it crashed both our home desktop and the laptop. Not sure if my clips are too long or what but it's frustrating the hell out of me cuz I wanna play some more!!!

After that I have to learn how to post my little movies. You just wait! I can hear you all collectively rolling your eyes at the thought of Lucy and Marlowe movies all over my blog!


mrs. awesome said...

yea! you posted again! :)

rabsy said...

you got a laptop? that you get to take home? isn't that the best? when i worked for VVP i was given one myself, though shitty, it had a lot of cool features, including DVD capabilities which, at the time, was awesome!

glad to see you're posting again. now if only bark would take more business trips...