Dum dum da dum!

Oh I'm so sick of looking at "Look out for Sunday" everytime I come to my page that I've just got to write something to get it further down the page.

Wassup peeps?!!

My good friend Mr. Bitter has recently gotten engaged. I've very excited for him and I think his fiance Missus Sour is a great catch. I mean she puts up with him so she's gotta be a keeper right? When I first moved to Toronto, Mr. Bitter was having bucket loads of girl trouble so I'm just really happy that he found "the one" and is joining the ranks of us old married folk!! They've set a date for November 11th of this year which seems like 6 short months...because it is!!! My god six months and Mr. Scheffy will be married. Sniff...brings a tear to my eye.

And the G-man's brother is finally getting married. After two children together and years and years of love they are doin' it! G's flying out for the nuptuals. I'm not going as I can't get the time off work and it's about $1000 to go. I'll be there in spirit!!

Rabs is tying the knot this year too but god, she's been engaged like, forever so that's old news. I do get to go to a dress fitting though and am excited at the opportunity for a sneak peak at the gownage before the big day.

Ma Soeur is moving out here really soon. I think they leave Port MacNeil in a couple of weeks and they'll take a couple of weeks holiday while they drive out....and then she'll be here!!! With her beautiful boys. Oh god I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

What about me and Sarah? Sniff. Sniff...

Ms. Maizun said...

You guys don't even have a date yet!!!

rabsy said...

warren, you guys will just have to fit it in between Sept. 17th and Nov. 11th...

How about October 21st?

The wedding planner in me NEVER SLEEPS.

Ms. Maizun said...
