Daily Dose, Enroute, Fringe and Weekend Sun

You know, the day just hasn't officially started until I've had a chance to check Go Fug Yourself and The Superficial. I love the dish! And if it's a particularly slow morning, I'll check out Daily Dose of Imagery; always amazing pictures even if it's just a bike or a fence - gorgeous!

My sister is enroute to Ontario with her brood! I'm so excited. They left last weekend and are planning on taking a full two weeks to get here so I imagine by next weekend they'll be here. I haven't heard how they're making out....Mama Bear, if you're reading this, gimme a call!!

The Fringe Show I directed, written and performed by Lisa Olafson, called Josie with the Toes, is on it's way to the Winnipeg Fringe in a couple of weeks, then off to Calgary's. It's all very exciting to be associated with a National Tour production. The show has polished up really well, and has a new action packed fight scene to replace our lame attempt at physical conflict that we put together last summer. It's with great love that I get ready to put the final brush strokes on this puppy and send it out to "the people". A little scary (moreso for Lisa) but a lot exciting!!!

The G-man is jetting of to England tonight for his brother's wedding next Wednesday. I'll be hanging with the Port Hope Maizuns and finally getting some pool time this weekend. Very much looking forward to that. I feel like I haven't spent time with them for AGES!!! Dad will be moved home to Cobourg within the next month or so (fingers crosses, it depends on bed availability - more on that in another post later) so I'm hoping to see everyone more frequently. It's like going a long time without chocolate. I need my fix!!!

Have a great weekend bloggers and blog readers alike!

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