Get on the Boat Maizun!!!

Okay, because my friend Tanya asked for more posts and no more lame Celebrity Pics Fridays, I'm going to make an effort to write more often.

I'm currently working on one about my recent Saturday adventure with my three nephews but I have photos to accompany the post and they haven't been loaded off the camera yet. So that one will have to wait.

What I have been meaning to post about is my two recent obsessions. One is good for me, the other one...not so much.

The first is the gym. I'm getting my butt back on the gym boat. It's been 3 months since I've joined the gym and almost a year since I've been in any kind of routine. Last week I made it there four times (I was aiming for five but just couldn't get there on the weekend!). Feeling good about going and as always, when I'm go regularly I feel better about myself. I do find that it works better when I have a goal in mind so right now my goal is a pretty blue number that I bought while in SF last summer that I would like to wear to Rabsy's wedding. It fits right now but stuff blubbs out where there should be no blubbing. The wedding is a month Thursday so after that I'll have to come up with a new goal.

My second obsession right now (well for the last two weeks while my boss was on holidays) is Escape Room Games (aka Point and Click Games). much fun. About 20 years ago (OMG I'm so old....simply being able to say "20 years ago" and be referring to something I used to do, is incredible!) there used to be a computer game that I think was called "Adventure". It was text based but and it started out with something like "You are in a dark room". And by entering commands and finding clues you had to find your way through the game. Super fun. I loved it tons!!! Well Escape Room Games are basically the same thing but with visuals. The first one I stumbled upon was Crimson Room and it was pretty great. There are some out there with lousy graphics and LOTS of foreign language ones but there are some really really challenging, frustrating but super fun ones as well. I know this makes me a huge geek but I don't care. I'd rather be a geek and play one of these games than actually get some work done!!


rabsy said...

cyndi, there is no blubb on you, babe. god, what an unattractive, word, BLUBB.

Ms. Maizun said...

Doesn't it just capture it though?!!!

Oh I got blubb. I may know how to dress it well but I got blubb!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Rabsy, I don't see any blubb anywhere!! Now me, I got blubb!! (but I'm working on getting rid of it too) By the way, I've missed your posts too! By the way was there a picture of Ryan at horseshoes, I think I remember of him saying something about you having quite a picture of his referee skills!