Do we ROCK or what?!!!

I'm absolutely floored that another Canadian has won the summer reality rock event, Rockstar. Lukas Rossi won last night's finale of the show and I just couldn't believe it. Not that I didn't like him, I did. He was one of the more entertaining performers if maybe not the best singer.

I didn't get into this season like I did last year. Unlike last year, there were no heart throbs like Mig or really fabulous entertainers like Marty Casey but the show kicks Canadian/American Idol's butt because it's about rock and roll and it's about performing and putting on a show. The majority of Canadian / American Idol contestants looks as if they are deer caught in headlights and if, god forbid, they start dancing around the stage, they are easily mistaken for prepubecsent teens with two left feet.

So here's to Canada and here's to Lukas for kicking some rock and roll ass.

1 comment:

Soft Headed Liberal said...

Canadian/American Idol is just a karaoke contest, really. But then I don't watch the idols shows. Or the Rock Star shows ... So i guess I really shouldn't be commenting. Although I did watch The One. What a collection of talentless boobs. and even the boobs weren't great! And who the hell was that guy with the blue goatee? Did he have a blue Goatee before the show? I not did someone say to him, : "You know Gomer, if yopu're going on TV you should really colour your goatee blue. Blue is a great TV colour." But like I said, who am I to comment.