Oh Happy Day!!!

Today is a good day.

First: Ellen's back...nuff said.

Secondly: things are really starting to pick up momentum at work in regards to moving me out of my current admin/support role in and into a junior "client management" position. I'm hashing out the details and job description as the job currently doesn't exist at the jr. level. It's nice because I'll have the room I need to watch, learn and experience the position but with a safety net of sorts as I'll be teamed up with someone in a Sr. position who makes all the decisions and is on the hook if anything goes wrong. Once I'm feeling secure and confident in the role they will give me a few of my own "small" clients to manage and I can work my way up. I'm extremely excited not only because it's a bigger and better position but also because of all the support I'm getting from my current boss and my "would-be new boss". They are both really happy with my decision; my "would-be new boss" a little more so because he sees what I'm capable of and wants more of that on his team. My current boss, although he was the one that really pushed me to take this opportunity, told me today that he's sad to think of me leaving and a little nervous about who he's going to end up with. He hasn't had a lot of good luck with assistants. We're looking to start the transition in the new year so I'll keep you posted on all the fun!!

Third: my new phone crapped out. I know! Serves me right going with Roger's! The bums! So I sent it back yesterday and today I got a replacement. All seems okay with this new one but I have to go through and enter in all my settings and pictures, blah blah blah. But hey, that's part of the fun of having a new phone.

Finally: my dear friend Amelie is launching her new CD tonight a LulaLounge and I couldn't be happier for her. I know how hard she's worked on getting her music in front of people and I can't wait to hear the disc because I already know she's spectacular!!
It's a good day!


Anonymous said...

I am SO very proud of you my dear! Didn't even know this was a possiblity but its awesome that they have such confidence in you!

Ms. Maizun said...

Thanks AK!!

rabsy said...

It's cuz you're a cute blonde with nice boobs.

Okay, you've got some brains too! You do good, kid.

Yay for good days!

See ya later at the wedding.