Good God Almighty


Today is my first official day as a full-time permanent employee!!! I'm not going to say who I'm working for as I'm not interested in getting Dooced now that I have this job but I will say that I'm as pleased as punch!

I never imagined to enjoy a "corporate" job as much as I do this one. The boss is amazing. The team is great. I look forward to coming to work in the morning. I don't feel like I'm in an 8 hour jail cell every day. I'm ... so... happy.

Thanks to all who had good thoughts, said good prayers and kept those cramping fingers crossed on my behalf!


Ah Rabs...always looking out for me!

Four Jobs You’ve Had In Your Life:
1. EA (fingers are still crossed and frankly starting to cramp up!)
2. CSR for GM at the Cadillac Counter
3. Receptionist at Peterbuilt Trucks
4. Counter Server at Tim Hortons

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
2. City of Angels
3. Face Off
4. Lost in Translation

Four Places You’ve Lived:
1. Aldergrove, BC
2. White Rock, BC
3. Peterborough, Ontario
4. Cobourg, Ontario

Four TV Shows You Love To Watch:
1. Grey's Anatomey
2. Boston Legal
3. Alias (although it's hard to find when it's actually on these days. I mean I know she off having her baby and all but didn't they stockpile or anything?!!!)
4. The Amazing Race

Four Places You’ve Been On Vacation:
1. Japan
2. Salt Spring Island
3. Korea
4. California

Four Blogs You Visit Daily:
1. From the Bum of Bees
2. Mr. Bitter
3. The Reign of Ellen
4. Design Goddess

Four Of Your Favorite Foods:
1. Chips
2. Chips with Dip
3. Nachos
4. Sour Cream and Onion Pringles

Four Albums You Can’t Live Without:
1. Billy Joel - Greatest Hits
2. Brahm Taylor - Brahm
3. Daniel Lanois - Shine
4. The Eagles - Greatest Hits

Four Vehicles You’ve Owned:
1. 1980 Honda Civic
2. 2001 Nissan Sentra (co-owner with G)
That's it...I'm a non car owner mostly

Tagging - Grody Jodee!

Things that make me laugh

Thanks to my new friend Niles, I found this site quite enjoyable.

Here are some clips you might find entertaining.

or this:

God those guys are IDIOTS!

And this was so good when it first aired, it's worth a second viewing!

Before you go to the polls

Here's one last attempt on my part to weigh in on this impending election our country faces today. Now, I've already voted. I did so last weekend with G in the advanced polls. On the walk over to the polling station, G and I got into a rather heated discussion about the way we were voting. As I was arguing for my candidate (or party rather) I found myself asking, "Why is it only now that we are having this discussion?" But in the end we came together in our stand against Mr. Harper's Conservatives. I won't go into all the reasons why I don't believe in voting for the Tories, I'll let my good friend Mr. Michael Moore do it for me:

Oh, Canada -- you're not really going to elect a Conservative majority on Monday, are you? That's a joke, right? I know you have a great sense of humor, and certainly a well-developed sense of irony, but this is no longer funny. Maybe it's a new form of Canadian irony -- reverse irony! OK, now I get it. First, you have the courage to stand against the war in Iraq -- and then you elect a prime minister who's for it. You declare gay people have equal rights -- and then you elect a man who says they don't. You give your native peoples their own autonomy and their own territory -- and then you vote for a man who wants to cut aid to these poorest of your citizens. Wow, that is intense! Only Canadians could pull off a hat trick of humor like that.
My hat's off to you.

Far be it from me, as an American, to suggest what you should do. You already have too many Americans telling you what to do. Well, actually, you've got just one American who keeps telling you to roll over and fetch and sit. I hope you don't feel this appeal of mine is too intrusive but I just couldn't sit by, as your friend, and say nothing. Yes, I agree, the Liberals have some 'splainin' to do. And yes, one party in power for more than a decade gets a little... long. But you have a parliamentary system. There are ways at the polls to have your voices heard other than throwing
the baby out with the bath water.

These are no ordinary times, and as you go to the polls on Monday, you do so while a man running the nation to the south of you is hoping you can lend him a hand by picking Stephen Harper because he's a man who shares his world view. Do you want to help George Bush by turning Canada into his latest conquest? I mean, if you're going to reduce Canada to a cheap download of Bush & Co., then at least don't surrender so easily. Can't you wait until he threatens to bomb Regina? Make him work for it, for Pete's sake.

But seriously, I know you're not going to elect a guy who should really be running for governor of Utah. Whew! I knew it! You almost had me there. Very funny. Don't do that again. God, I love you, you crazy cold wonderful neighbors to my north. Don't ever change.

Michael Moore
Off you go now. Exercise your national voice!


Oh my god I'm so busy these day's I barely have time to get a coffee let along write in my blog. So here they are as promised.

Updates on:
  1. Apartment - we got it. Moving in March 1st but we might be able to do the "slow" move as they guys will be out a couple weeks before the 1st and it looks like the super is going to let us come in when they are. Ssssuper super!
  2. Job - We're so close I can smell it. They did the internal posting. No one qualified enough came forward so I am the final candidate. All I have to do now is pass the security/reference/background check and I'm in. Let's hope that sit in I participated in back in College doesn't come back to haunt me. I should know by next week so ....keep those fingers crossed people!!!
  3. My dad got accepted into Bridgepoint Health which is awesome because the other place we were waiting on doesn't have the best reputation for patient care. He moved in today so I'll tell you more about it after I see him tonight.
  4. And that's all folks. Gotta run!

This is me loving you!

Time to "weigh" in.

I'm not sure if this is somewhat sexy or just weird?
Any thoughts?

One less thing to worry about

We're going to take the apartment. Even though the bastards want all of our money up front. Apparently, this is the way the Management Companies do it, so who are we to fight the system?!! Now we just have to pass the "application process".

Here are the deets about the suite as listed on Craig's List Toronto:

Beautiful, large, second storey, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment in 4 storey character filled building across from Old Mill Subway Station. 2 large bedrooms, 1 bathroom with old world charm tiles, newly renovated bright, all-white kitchen with ceramic flooring and wall tiles, large living room with decorative all-white fireplace, separate dining room, long hallway that spans the entire length of apartment, hardwood floors throughout. Laundry facilities and storage room in basement. Picnic tables in the back surrounded by forest. Secure building with 24 hour video camera surveillance.

Established, upscale South Kingsway neighborhood, steps from Bloor West Village restaurants and shops and steps from stunning park and city's best spa.

I had to meet the person who found it necessary to include "steps from's best spa." in their rental ad. Turns out to be a lovely Greek guy looking for someone to take over his two year lease after only one year. Great guy, really nice and accommodating - loves art. There were paintings on every inch of wall space (don't worry, he's going to have someone fill all the holes before we move in).
The apartment is fantastic. Here's the link so you can have a look at the building. The photos shown are a little different from our suite as our's hasn't had any renovations done, (ie. the kitchen wall being only 1/2 a wall and the window in the living room is actually not on the side but on the end & we don't get a dishwasher but there is room for one should we decide to get one) but it gives you an idea. It's very long as everything is lined up in a row instead of a box like most houses or apartments. But we really love it.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that the application goes through and there are not more glitches!!

Big Breath

I am totally stressed out!!! You don’t have to listen or care, I just need to get these out of my head.

1. The internal posting went up for the position I’ve been filling for the last three months. I’ve told “The Boss” that I want the job and up until yesterday, I believed he would do anything he could to get me the job. Then yesterday comes around and he gives me a little bit of a cool impression when he was telling me about the posting going up. It will be on the internal site til the 19th (THE 19th people!!!) and after that he’ll have to conduct interviews. What are the odds of no one applying? Not very likely!!! The problem isn't the money. I can walk out there and get a job tomorrow anywhere really. I'm not bragging but almost every temp assignment I've had has tried to hire me. I've never found the right environment or people until now. I really like this job. That's the problem!!!

2. We found a FABULOUS apartment on Monday night. It was sort of a fluke in finding it and the viewing was booked very last minute. The place is gorgeous in an older building right across the street from the Old Mill subway stop. We’d be taking over the lease from the current tenant who signed for two years but wants to leave after only one (bigger and better for him and his partner). Great location, great price, great great great. Then last night when we went to go and fill out the paperwork and all that jazz, the super tells us the Rental Management Company wants first and last dated for today (yesterday). Uh…why? We’re not planning on moving in until March 1st. We’re told “that’s the way they like it.” So we make a plan for G to call in the morning (this morning) and find out what the scoop is. Turns out the Management Company is quite jerky. They in fact do want all the money now. G suggests we give last month now as a deposit to show we are serious about the rental and then give March 1st when we move in. Nope. They will take the deposit today but want March 1st on Feb 1st dated for Feb 1st so they can deposit it. Ah…no. I sent an email to the current tenant explaining the situation and telling him that it looks like we’re walkin’ and he wants to see if he can’t help the situation any. Of course, he wants us to take over the lease so it’s in his best interest to help us out. If I didn’t love the apartment so much I wouldn’t really care about walking away but it is bloomin’ perfect. I’ll keep you posted.

There’s my stress. I don’t feel any better. Maybe it’s the coffee I had. pooh


How do I say I'm proud without sounding condescending? Who cares?!! I'm so proud I could puke!

Check it out:

Skratch3 review

If you want to check them out for yourselves, Skratch3 will be having a CD release party here in Toronto on Friday the 13th (awesome) at the Third Floor Reillys 340 Yonge Street, Cost: $8.00.

Check them out yo!


I've been tagged by Grody Jo-deeto name five weird habits about myself, and then tag five other people. Here we go:

  1. I'm not sure if this is a habit or if it's just weird but I hate blowdrying my hair. I will procrastinate as long as possible and then do it at the last minute all the while, bitching under my breath about how much I hate it. (I also hate deciding what to have for dinner but I figure that's pretty normal. Is it?)
  2. I have to set my own alarm clock even if G has his set to the exact same time as I have to get up. He might do it wrong and I might now get up in time to hate blow drying my hair!!
  3. I like to have Lucy (my cat for any new readers) sit on my lap when I go to the bathroom. No funny stuff...I just like the company.
  4. I won't look at my bank balance when I take out or deposit money. Most of the time I would rather not know. The only time I look is when I have to pay bills online.
  5. This one really is a weird habit and I only ever know it when people point it out to me; I lick my lips when I'm nervous. Mostly just my bottom lip and my tongue skirts across it a few times as I prepare to say something. I'm sure it looks completely idiotic, but hey, I've never actually seen myself do it.

And there you go:

Tagged are:

Mr. Bitter
Missus Sour

...and I don't know any other bloggers on a day to day basis, so if you want to write down your five habits and let me know...I'll add you to the list...I'm so lame!

Okay. So the template I was trying out didn't really work for me. I'm still "fiddling" with it but I'm going to use this one for now.
If you don't use a "blogger" template, you lose all your comments and some of the ones here are golden!! I can't lose those!


Security Pass Hell

I was just locked in the stairwell for two hours!! TWO HOURS PEOPLE! Really!

...not really. It was more like 25 seconds. But I did feel like a royal knob for forgetting my pass on my desk and having to knock on the door until some guy opened the door. He wasn't from our department by the way so he as well thought I was a royal knob when he opened the door and I tried to laugh it off with him....silence...crickets, okay not funny buddy, get out of my way!

I will forever check my hip before entering said stairwell.

God it's boring here today!


Why does the Prada website only have this.

And the Italian Prada website has this.

What exactly is going on over at Prada?

Why don't we get English TV?

Fun new reality show in England.

Why does my meal smell like Cat Poo?

While doing laundry last night, G and I took advantage of a Vietnamese Pho restaurant close by the laundromat to have some dinner during our "dry" cycle.
Yummy spring roll appetizers with yummy dipping sauce. Yummy bits of leafy spices (when we asked the waiter what they were he said "Go in soup", to which we asked again, "Yes, but what is it called?" He quickly told us "No, we don't have anymore" and walked away. Okay.)
Our main courses come and G-man has a nice soup with lots of floating sprigs of this and that and some sort of meat (I think it was beef but it may have been pork, I didn't taste it). Then mine comes and damn if it didn't smell just like cat ass! What's up with that. It was supposed to smell like Chicken Ginger sprinkled with Cilantro. That would have smelled super yummy. But no. Cat Poo. I tried it and it tasted kinda not great at first but I was starving and for the time being, able to get past the "poo" smell and the not so fabulous taste. It's not that it tasted like poo or tasted bad even, it was just ... blah. I can't really describe it further than that. I eventually found some flecks of ginger and tried to get some with every bite but I eventually gave up on the dish 1/2 way into it. All the while G is mmm'ing and aw'ing over his yummy pork/beef soup. No fair!

Start the New Year off...

with a Wedding I say. Everyone should attend or be a part of a wedding to start the New Year going. It's the best!

My dear friends Lisa and Alvaro had a lovely intimate (20 people) ceremony yesterday afternoon out at Graydon Hall and it was spectacular. I've never been inside Graydon Hall before (although I've picked G up and dropped him off many a time for catering shifts). It's stunning. If you're looking for a wedding or party venue with lots of class, this is the place.

The event began with cocktails at 4 and then the ceremony following at 4:30.
Lisa looked gorgeous and Alvaro, simply dashing. The ceremony had touches of Spanish tradition as well as a genuine Irish blessing by the officiant. Lisa's friend Catrina sang Lisa down the isle, G did a reading from The Velveteen Rabbit, and Suzette sang us through the signing of the register (she gave me chills with a spanish love song....chills!!) Alvaro's brother (flown in from Spain) performed a spanish blessing (that included burning something and then Alvaro putting on a hat - seen above). The whole thing took about 20 minutes and in the end, a new marriage was born.

After some fantastic appetizers, champagne and toasts, we all headed over to Spuntini's for dinner. During dinner there were more toasts, more songs and lots of kisses. It was really the best way to begin a new year.

Thank you Lisa and Alvaro for including me in your momentous day!