Good God Almighty


Today is my first official day as a full-time permanent employee!!! I'm not going to say who I'm working for as I'm not interested in getting Dooced now that I have this job but I will say that I'm as pleased as punch!

I never imagined to enjoy a "corporate" job as much as I do this one. The boss is amazing. The team is great. I look forward to coming to work in the morning. I don't feel like I'm in an 8 hour jail cell every day. I'm ... so... happy.

Thanks to all who had good thoughts, said good prayers and kept those cramping fingers crossed on my behalf!



Anonymous said...

Very proud of you sweetie! You deserve a job you love, and so very much more! Congrats!!!!

rabsy said...


rabsy from jail cell A5

mrs. awesome said...

congrats!! you're lucky to have a job that you love.