
I've been tagged by Grody Jo-deeto name five weird habits about myself, and then tag five other people. Here we go:

  1. I'm not sure if this is a habit or if it's just weird but I hate blowdrying my hair. I will procrastinate as long as possible and then do it at the last minute all the while, bitching under my breath about how much I hate it. (I also hate deciding what to have for dinner but I figure that's pretty normal. Is it?)
  2. I have to set my own alarm clock even if G has his set to the exact same time as I have to get up. He might do it wrong and I might now get up in time to hate blow drying my hair!!
  3. I like to have Lucy (my cat for any new readers) sit on my lap when I go to the bathroom. No funny stuff...I just like the company.
  4. I won't look at my bank balance when I take out or deposit money. Most of the time I would rather not know. The only time I look is when I have to pay bills online.
  5. This one really is a weird habit and I only ever know it when people point it out to me; I lick my lips when I'm nervous. Mostly just my bottom lip and my tongue skirts across it a few times as I prepare to say something. I'm sure it looks completely idiotic, but hey, I've never actually seen myself do it.

And there you go:

Tagged are:

Mr. Bitter
Missus Sour

...and I don't know any other bloggers on a day to day basis, so if you want to write down your five habits and let me know...I'll add you to the list...I'm so lame!


rabsy said...

well, at least this will give me something to do at work tomorrow. heh.


mrs. awesome said...

that is a great one about you and lucy....also hating to blow dry the hair seems normal. i hate it too, so much so that i don't do it 99% of the time.

Anonymous said...

What you don't know about your family members!! Actually, not all that weird at all, except maybe Lucy on your lap??? I'm with you on the bank balance thing, never do it!

muthacomputer said...

Hey was I supposed to do something here?