Celeb Pics Friday

Wha? !!!
Who the ...?!

When did he get all grown up??!!! Anyone recognize this guy without the glasses and spikey hair?

This one isn't as shocking (I guess because he's been a little bit more visible as he's aged) but it's still cool to see these kids growing up.


rabsy said...

did you know that the human head weighs eight pounds? and that tom cruise used to be sane?

mrs. awesome said...

did you hear about HJO's car accident in his 1995 saturn? and the bigger question, does the boy have no money left? why a 1995 saturn? i'm all for saving money, but that's ridiculous.

i'm troubled by the top one?! who is that looking naggingly familiar?

and for the rave in you, go check out www.brickrave.com.....it's little legos raving! he he he

Ms. Maizun said...

The dude on top is Johnathan Lipnicki from Jerry McGuire and we all know the bloke on the bottom. Not too hard to recognize!