It's here!

Oh there's some good dirt over at Go Fug Yourself today. Make sure you take the time to check it out.

My phone's here! It's all very small and cute and two, count them two!!, different faceplates. I spent the majority of last evening programing and playing with it. At one point G actually said, "You love that new phone more than you love me don't you?" to which I replied "Of course not baby!" but we all know the truth don't we...wink wink!!

Here's a little pic of the new puppy!

I'll be sure to get the new # out ASAP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey baby... nice... cellphone. Mmmmm.

Hope you guys are well - let's all hook up soon - We're married! YEAH! Tons of pix to show you kids...