I've MOVED!!
I feel a rant coming on...
I know that for me, receiving comments and feedback is a bonus by-product of my true intent behind posting. It gets things out of my head. I'm the kind of person that will mull over an idea, a problem or even a happy occurrence for AGES until I get a chance to either share it with someone or until everyone simply tells me they don't care anymore. Here I'm able to spew and walk away.
On the topic of community, I have to say that I'm quite fond of the fellow bloggers that I've come to know since starting this whole thing almost 2 years ago. The blogs I read every day are important to me. They make me laugh, they make me cry and although I may not comment on all of them, they are part of my day. Then, there are the bloggers that I've conversed with beyond blogging like Grody Jody and The Queen of all things, Ellen. Jody and I talked about what it's like to make the decision to start trying for a baby. A person that I have never met "in person" gave me thoughtful and meaningful advice. That's support. That's not make believe!
BTW - I miss Jody & Ellen terribly because they aren't blogging anymore and I can honestly say that I feel like a neighbour and her family have moved away because I don't get the regular check in on all the things that are going on with them like I used to. That's community!
Okay. I'll stop here because I know that Anthony and Mr. Bitter and possibly even the G-man have stopped reading by now but hey....this is my blog and I'm passionate about it. I'm not an isolated lonely person, I'm not a rebel, I love my job, I'm not a political activist or even an angst ridden teenager and I'm definitely not looking for celebrity status through all of this. I'm just a blogger. Read it or not!
8 minutes to 12
And that's it. Lunch time.

PS - I'm all for the global warming. The Tdot has barely cracked into the minus temps at all so far and I'M LOVING IT!!!
Can it be true???
I might have to wait until the DVD comes out because I'm not sure if I want to go to the theatre with all the other "Balboa-wannabees" talking on their cell phones to their personal trainers asking them why they can't work out to "Eye of the Tiger" like Rocky does.
Done for another year...
Now it's the count down to New Year's. We're (read I'm) having a pajama party for anyone that wants to drop in simply because I don't feel like going anywhere and the G-man is working an event so I didn't want to be alone. Here's hoping people show up!
Stay warm and safe everyone and Have a Happy New Year!!
Pics from our Trip
See the family!!!
New Side Link
Go check her our! She's updates the "info" on her home page every SUNDAY night!!!
Double Dip me Double O Seven
Made My Day!

I guess we have to find new nicknames for the happy couple because I tell ya...there is nothing Bitter or Sour about these two!!! Awwwwww
Sunday was a recovery day because, yes, I had a little bit to drink. Open bar, I mean come on!!! And as Rabs blabbed to the world, there was a quick flashing of bums but I cannot be held accountable for my actions when there is free booze people!!!
Monday was a little better (although it wasn't until today - Tuesday - that I was able to fully shake my headache....wine is bad kiddies, don't you forget it!). I managed to haul my ass to the gym which got the blood flowing again. Always good to have that happen. My gym has a steam room which I love but haven't used that much so I took the opportunity (thank you veteran's) to partake. Very lovely. I also decided to wash and dry my hair with the products provided by my fitness establishment and let me say; if their facilities were as lousy as their conditioner, they'd be out of business!!! I shan't be doing that again. Tangley mess!!!
During the afternoon, I enjoyed a delightful movie with Rabs and Mandy; Stranger than Fiction. I have to say, I find Will Farrell funny but can always see that he's playing it for the comedy. He was wonderful in this movie. Subtle and underplayed. I really really loved his work. I'm hoping this will lead to more in the same vein from him. The movie only had one or two holes and overall is fit for a fun afternoon off. Whether your playing hooky or enjoying your weekend, this movie is sure to please. How's that for a colourful review? Toronto Star here I come!!!
Oh Happy Day!!!
First: Ellen's back...nuff said.
Secondly: things are really starting to pick up momentum at work in regards to moving me out of my current admin/support role in and into a junior "client management" position. I'm hashing out the details and job description as the job currently doesn't exist at the jr. level. It's nice because I'll have the room I need to watch, learn and experience the position but with a safety net of sorts as I'll be teamed up with someone in a Sr. position who makes all the decisions and is on the hook if anything goes wrong. Once I'm feeling secure and confident in the role they will give me a few of my own "small" clients to manage and I can work my way up. I'm extremely excited not only because it's a bigger and better position but also because of all the support I'm getting from my current boss and my "would-be new boss". They are both really happy with my decision; my "would-be new boss" a little more so because he sees what I'm capable of and wants more of that on his team. My current boss, although he was the one that really pushed me to take this opportunity, told me today that he's sad to think of me leaving and a little nervous about who he's going to end up with. He hasn't had a lot of good luck with assistants. We're looking to start the transition in the new year so I'll keep you posted on all the fun!!
Third: my new phone crapped out. I know! Serves me right going with Roger's! The bums! So I sent it back yesterday and today I got a replacement. All seems okay with this new one but I have to go through and enter in all my settings and pictures, blah blah blah. But hey, that's part of the fun of having a new phone.
Finally: my dear friend Amelie is launching her new CD tonight a LulaLounge and I couldn't be happier for her. I know how hard she's worked on getting her music in front of people and I can't wait to hear the disc because I already know she's spectacular!!
Serena Ryder
Monday Mornings.

It's here!
My phone's here! It's all very small and cute and two, count them two!!, different faceplates. I spent the majority of last evening programing and playing with it. At one point G actually said, "You love that new phone more than you love me don't you?" to which I replied "Of course not baby!" but we all know the truth don't we...wink wink!!
Here's a little pic of the new puppy!
I'll be sure to get the new # out ASAP!
Sidebar Stuff
I've moved Ellen down the list because she's taking a sabatical from blogging right now. I hope she doesn't stay away too long. I miss her. I equally miss her beautiful pics of her daughter Anna! I hope all is well in Ellenland!
Some Exciting Tidbits
- Because I pay for it so I might as well go.
- It's good for me.
- We're in early negotiations for taking a trip somewhere hot & sunny in February and if I want to wear a bikini next to Rabs, I've got to get my ass to the gym.
- Finally, we're running a Biggest Loser competition at work to raise money for The United Way.
Participants buy into participation as well as collect pledges for every percentage point of weight loss they attain. I've gained about 15 lbs (closer to 21 but 15 looks better in writing) since the wedding so I'd like to get back to my toned and thinner hipped body so I don't feel so squishy on the Cuban / Mexican / Fijian shores.
The odd thing about this competition is that only people that stand to loose 20lbs MAX entered. There are some prime heart attack and stroke candidates on my team and none of them signed up. My boss thinks that it's because I'm the organizer and I'm "skinny". Could be. I was hoping that doing it in a group would make it more fun and easier to do. Oh well.
The Biggest Loser TV show inspires me so much that I can't help but do something with the lousy 20lbs that I want to loose. When I see people on that show losing hundreds of pounds I'm awe inspired and definitely motivated to get off the couch. (Well not right that moment of course cuz I'm watching the show but they next morning for sure!!)
Now I have two goals to keep me getting up in the morning and draggin my butt to the treadmill. Doing well in the competition AND a sunny beach bikini. The competition ends mid December and we're talking about taking the trip in February. So FIVE months baby! Let's see what we can do in five months.
New Format
I switched over to Blogger beta and BOY are there lots of fun new things to do!
Let me know what you think!
J. O. B.
Since the end of July, I've been "just doing my job" and nothing extra. In fact there have been days that I really didn't even do my job, I just passed the time with point and click games. Because of this I felt incredibly guilty after the calibration session. Although they didn't talk about me specifically, every time they were talking about anyone, I was doing my own self assessment.
I was sure I was going to get a shitty year end review I was ready to take responsibility but promise a change going forward. Instead ...it went great. Really great. And the three things I am to work on aren't really things I don't already do well, their just things to continue to improve on. I'm pretty stoked and looking more and more on making a career out of this place. I started as a temp one year ago yesterday and I've got no intention of leaving. I'm evaluating where in the organization I see myself best fitting against whether I could learn what it takes to work in a "non-administrative" role somewhere on this team. Lots to consider and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed by the decisions I'm facing but I'm looking at the long term...the bigger picture here. I want a house. I want to own a house. Having this job will allow me to do that sooner rather than later. I'm back on the fence about having a family considering the events of the last year but having this job takes the "can we afford it" out of the equation at least.
So, if the posts aren't coming as often as you would like, I apologize. I'm over here working on my career!!!
Weird Marlowe
Marlowe has developed some very strange behaviour traits that I just have to share with y'all. If I'm going to suffer then you shall suffer with me.
The first super weird thing is that she's started coming into the bathroom while we're in the shower (not together...get your minds out of the gutter), perching on the toilet and as soon as we pull back the curtain, she berates us with an evil, drawn out, mreowwwww! It's a little offputting. This morning she was exceptionally hostile with me. I don't know what it is. Without fail she's there...waiting. Once time I peaked out the other side and it didn't even phase her! MREOWWW! The creature has issues.
The second not so weird but equally annoying thing is that she won't eat her food unless I stand there in the kitchen with her. I can be doing something other than watching her (although she likes this the best I think) but once I leave the kitchen, she stops eating to follow me. It's like she believes that I'm about to dish out the good stuff (read= wet food) in another room. That I'm trying to horde it for myself and Lucy and if she doesn't follow, she's going to miss out.
Man alive the feline's a kook!!!
Rabsappardi Wedding

The misnomer aside, it was a beautiful event. The ceremony was on the back terrace of the Old Mill (stumbling distance from our apartment mind you!) and the reception followed inside in one of the banquet rooms. Table 14 rocked with fancy sparkling guest and conversation and although I was coming down with a terrible cold, I managed to consume my share of the open bar.
Head over to Rabs' blog to check out a couple of gorgeous pics. And keep your fingers crossed that there will be more photos to come.
P.S. I managed to make it into my little blue number from San Fran. Yay me!!! Once I'm over this cold I'll keep up with the gym in the mornings. It's been a good energy / body image booster!!
Speaking of Yay me's....shout out to Uncle B, Auntie K and Cuzin R who have been working really hard and are looking mighty fabulous!! Not that they don't always look fabulous!!!
Fall = New TV Season
Already started are The Amazing Race 10 - which by far my favourite reality show!, Survivor 13 (why am I still watching this?!), ANTM 7 (oooh the bitches!) and The Biggest Loser 3 (or 4, I'm not sure. I couldn't watch it last night but have it waiting on the PVR!).

Coming up I've got the aforementioned, Grey's Anatomy tonight along with My Name is Earl. Then somewhere out there is the return of The Bachelor, this time with a real Prince...right. We'll see how fast he's sucking face with all the beauties! And Boston Legal, which I kind of dropped from the lineup last season because there was just too much to watch and not enough time to watch it all, but I think I'll check in on once it starts again.
I'm thinking of giving Heros a shot as well as Ugly Betty but they had better win me over fast because it's a pretty full schedule as it is.
Wha...husband? Cats? Life?! My life is TV people! I was raised by TV don't you know! It's in my blood. I can't just give it up! What are you crazy?!
Do we ROCK or what?!!!

I didn't get into this season like I did last year. Unlike last year, there were no heart throbs like Mig or really fabulous entertainers like Marty Casey but the show kicks Canadian/American Idol's butt because it's about rock and roll and it's about performing and putting on a show. The majority of Canadian / American Idol contestants looks as if they are deer caught in headlights and if, god forbid, they start dancing around the stage, they are easily mistaken for prepubecsent teens with two left feet.
So here's to Canada and here's to Lukas for kicking some rock and roll ass.
clickety clack
Now I'm wondering if there is an AA sort of thing for gamers.
Scared Tootin'
me: "What?!! Where?"
MB: "I don't know but when I tried to pick up the phone it was already picked up by another phone somewhere in the store. Come with me."
We go to the front counter to check out the phones and grab a weapon (one of the metal rods used for the displays). The line on the phone is disengaged and we start pushing buttons to see if we can't figure out which set picked up the call.
Ring ring!
MB tries to answer but again, it gets picked up before she can answer. Now we're really freaked out and convinced someone is hiding in the store. Naturally our next choice it to investigate. Why I'm not sure, but we did.
Picture this, MzMaizun and Mama Bear carrying non descript metal rods looking for bad guys. The store was the easy search, the dimly light storage room with lots of dark places to hide a bad guy, was not so easy. Plus, considering we have at least 1/2 the same genes (not jeans...I know it's a workwear store but I'm talking DNA here) means Mama Bear and I have very similar tendencies. All the while we're searching the store, we couldn't stop giggling. Not that we thought the situation was overly funny but because we were scared shitless. (One of us even had the nervous toots but I'm not naming any names....although you'd think it was me wouldn't you?!!) I can just imagine the idiotic scene we displayed to the security cameras.
In the end there was no intruder and it was a problem with the phones. Specifically the one line of the phone system. Who says technology makes our lives better?!! Needless to say, I quickly changed back into my own clothes and we got the hell out of there. Not before collecting a few great tops for work and a cute pair of denim capris! I mean come on...fashion before fear people!!!
What determines "home" anyway?
Bad Auntie Blogger
But I will give you the highlights:
- One hour (yes you read correctly...one hour) discussion around Spiderman, the Spiderman movies, Spiderman's powers and how Peter Parker became Spiderman.
- One Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie
- Pudding
- Bike rides to three different play parks (Auntie in tow with Seymour, the dog, and Elijah in a stroller. As a side note, have you ever tried to push a stroller and hang on to a dog leesh when said dog on leash is trying to pee on every lamp post that we pass by?! Not an easy task I tell you!)
- Second Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles movie with string cheese snacks
And I will close with this terrible cuteness I like to call:
"What I would look like in Auntie's Sunglasses"
It hurts!
2 (two) is a number, numeral, and glyph. It is the natural number following 1 and preceding 3.
Regardless of how long we've been together I remind myself of the adage:

This is an older pic (early Jan/Feb I think) but it's cute and the only one I have of the two of us here on my computer at work! Maybe I'll swap it later when I get home. For now...enjoy!


(Sorry I don't have a pic on my work computer. I'll replace it tonight when I get home. Love ya girl!!!)
>>>>>scroll down>>>>>>
I am SO happy that Benji took it! So happy I even got choked up when they announced his name. This guys was so great. Not always the best dancer but the biggest heart and the biggest personality of the bunch. Congrats Benji...I love ya!!!

Okay, so this isn't the best picture of him but trust me....he's fabulous.
But what's even more fabulous is that the SYTYCD TOUR is making it's only Canadian stop in Toronto! Yahooo! I am so going to try and get tickets. Any one else coming with me???
Maizun Horseshoes Tourney
But...here's a fuzzy preview:
Now I'm going to jump back in time a couple of weeks and write about the 2nd Annual Maizun Horseshoe Tournament.
(Mr. Bitter, this might be a long one and as you are self proclaimed non reader of posts venturing past 4 paragraphs, I suggest you skip to the end and see the picture of my cousin - that's really the only reason for the whole thing.)
First, I'll start by saying we got caught in THE WORST rainstorm EVER during our drive out there. OMG, the windshield wipers were on the fastest setting and still we could only see about 5 feet in front of the car. Very scary! I was hugely grateful the G-Man was driving.
Okay, so we drove through the majority of the rain and by the time we got to the homestead it was mostly spittling and looking like it would blow over, which it eventually did.
Cuzin Ryan had volunteered to umpire this year and did a bang up job of organizing teams and "the schedule". Last year's we were very unorganized and save for a couple good rounds of Giant Jenga and Scrotum (acutal game name, not me being a rude pig) and maybe two or three people actually tossing a horseshoe (some at the last minute!), it was more of a drinking tournament than a horseshoe tournament. Case in point, G-man and I were asleep by 8:30 due to heavy "pounding" of beer and margaritas upon our 3pm arrival. Slightly embarrassing but makes for a great story.
This year we managed to make it not only to the end of the tournament, but also to the botched pool toss (I tried to through the G-man into the pool but he squirmed his way out of my grip and ended up pushing me in instead - that was the moment I learned my watch was waterproof up to 30 meters. Yeah!!). We even lasted through to the walk to Cuzin Ryan's house, the water and advil ritual and some chit chats before crawling into "our" bed reserved especially for us at the Cuzin's house. It was the inaugural sleepover and I do have to say it was a very comfy night!
Neither G nor I did very well in the tournament. Although I had a fantastic partner in Aunt by Marriage "Leaner", we were down at the end of the first round. Though I wasn't "into the tent for the night drunk" I was a little saturated (mmmm....margaritas) and it didn't bode well for my horseshoe toss.
Overall it was a gloriously fun event. Some of the other quick highlights:
- losing my crystal earring in the pool only to have Cuzin Todd miraculously find it!
- seeing my OAK with a margarita....
- liquor store/A&P run for more Tequila and Margarita mix with Cuzin Lisa and some 17 year old kid driving us
- super yummy beef brisket
- brisket sauce on Zoey's head
- trying to clean the brisket sauce off of Zoey's head before Dordi came home
- did I mention Margaritas?
I'll close with the aforementioned photo of Cuzin Ryan. Enjoy!
Get on the Boat Maizun!!!
I'm currently working on one about my recent Saturday adventure with my three nephews but I have photos to accompany the post and they haven't been loaded off the camera yet. So that one will have to wait.
What I have been meaning to post about is my two recent obsessions. One is good for me, the other one...not so much.
The first is the gym. I'm getting my butt back on the gym boat. It's been 3 months since I've joined the gym and almost a year since I've been in any kind of routine. Last week I made it there four times (I was aiming for five but just couldn't get there on the weekend!). Feeling good about going and as always, when I'm go regularly I feel better about myself. I do find that it works better when I have a goal in mind so right now my goal is a pretty blue number that I bought while in SF last summer that I would like to wear to Rabsy's wedding. It fits right now but stuff blubbs out where there should be no blubbing. The wedding is a month Thursday so after that I'll have to come up with a new goal.
My second obsession right now (well for the last two weeks while my boss was on holidays) is Escape Room Games (aka Point and Click Games). Oh...my...god....so much fun. About 20 years ago (OMG I'm so old....simply being able to say "20 years ago" and be referring to something I used to do, is incredible!) there used to be a computer game that I think was called "Adventure". It was text based but and it started out with something like "You are in a dark room". And by entering commands and finding clues you had to find your way through the game. Super fun. I loved it tons!!! Well Escape Room Games are basically the same thing but with visuals. The first one I stumbled upon was Crimson Room and it was pretty great. There are some out there with lousy graphics and LOTS of foreign language ones but there are some really really challenging, frustrating but super fun ones as well. I know this makes me a huge geek but I don't care. I'd rather be a geek and play one of these games than actually get some work done!!
Dinner anyone?
I wanted to post about our new dining room set that we stumbled upon yesterday. We were driving home from visiting my dad and because it was the Carribana Parade yesterday on the Lakeshore, we had to take more of a northern route to get back to the west side. During the course of this journey, we passed a warehouse with lots of SALE signs and such in the front and G-man said "You know, I pass this place every day coming home from work, let's check it out."
Turns out the place is the last standing Consumers Distributing (Furniture Division). It's massive inside with more furniture than you can imagine. Before too long we were met by what I'm going to call the world's best salesman. Not the typically looking salesman with his square glasses, orange checked polo shirt and cargo khaki shorts, complete with Tim Horton's takeaway mug that may or may not have had coffee in it (I never once saw him drink from it but he did keep it close like a security blanket of sorts). He smelled awfully of cigarettes and normally this would have kept me from interacting with the guy BUT... there was something really personable about him. He didn't come on with the hard sell but he really knew his product and he was very persistant. Our favourite moment was when G asked him for his card and the guy said "Well, I was hoping to write my name at the bottom of your bill!". It was at this point we knew this guy was going to get a sale out of us.
45 minutes later we had custom ordered the dining room set of our liking and G was signing HIS name at the bottom of the bill. So take a look at the catalogue images of our order:
Welcome Back
Celeb Pics Friday
Who the ...?!
When did he get all grown up??!!! Anyone recognize this guy without the glasses and spikey hair?
This one isn't as shocking (I guess because he's been a little bit more visible as he's aged) but it's still cool to see these kids growing up.
Celeb Pics Friday

If you don't recognize him it's because he primarily only stars in Kevin Smith movies as Jay. Not everyone likes these movies - I do. And I especially like Jay and even more so I like Jason in person. He was included in a couple of the "sets" that Kevin Smith did on his college tour movie (very funny with stories of ...stuff). He's so laid back it cracks me up.
Moving on we have :

One question: why is this sexy? The mouth / hair combo does NOT work for me.
And I'll leave you with this tasty treat.

hmmmmm sweaty!
One of the sickest things I've seen in a long time...
just watch:
One question: why is the car right wheel drive? Is he in England?
Celeb Pics Friday
To start off we've got a rather hansome, clean and somewhat sober looking pic of an old favourite, Robert Downey Jr. or "RDJ" as I like to call him:

I'm looking at this pic and thinking how nice it is to see RDJ with his apparent shit together.
Then I scroll through all the pics and come across this:

And then we have this odd pic of Mr. Ex-Uma Thurman...or Cheating Bastard as I like to call him:

My guess is "Greasy hair, check. White t-shirt from Walmart, check. I look hot! Where are the babes?
Anyone else?
Daily Dose, Enroute, Fringe and Weekend Sun
Tape this to the inside of your medicine cabinet
Did You Know That? Drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately -- without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional "pain relievers."
Did you know that Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns.
Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try chewing on a couple of curiously strong Altoids peppermints. They'll clear up your stuffed nose.
Achy muscles from a bout of the flu? Mix 1 Tablespoon of horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil, for instant relief for aching muscles.
Sore throat? Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon six times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria.
Cure urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer. Just dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and drink it at the onset of the symptoms. Alka-Seltzer begins eliminating urinary tract infections almost instantly -- even though the product was never advertised for this use.
( Note : Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine is not the same and contains aspirin, which can cause stomach bleeding if you have ulcers.)
Honey remedy for skin blemishes ... Cover the blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and speeds healing. Works overnight.
Listerine therapy for toenail fungus ... Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.
Easy eyeglass protection ... To prevent the screws in eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of Maybelline Crystal Clear nail polish to the threads of the screws before tightening them.
Coca-Cola cure for rust ... Forget those expensive rust removers. Just saturate an abrasive sponge with Coca Cola and scrub the rust stain. The phosphoric acid in the coke is what gets the job done.
Cleaning liquid that doubles as bug killer ... If menacing bees, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets get in your home and you can't find the insecticide, try a spray of Formula 409. Insects drop to the ground instantly.
Smart splinter remover ...just pour a drop of Elmer's Glue-All over the splinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. The splinter sticks to the dried glue.
Hunt's tomato paste boil cure. Cover the boil with Hunt's tomato paste as a compress. The acids from the tomatoes soothe the pain and bring the boil to a head.
Balm for broken blisters. To disinfect a broken blister, dab on a few drops of Listerine - a powerful antiseptic.
Heinz vinegar to heal bruises ... Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to the bruise for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds up the healing process.
Kills fleas instantly. Dawn dish washing liquid does the trick. Add a few drops to your dog's bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations. Goodbye fleas.
Rainy day cure for dog odor. Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantly making your dog smell springtime fresh.
Eliminate ear mites. All it takes is a few drops of corn oil in your cat's ear. Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers the mites, and accelerates healing.
Quaker Oats for fast pain relief. It's not for breakfast anymore! Mix 2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.
Also, if you get leg cramps, drink 1/2 or 1 glass of Tonic Water, the quinine helps relieve cramps.
Dum dum da dum!
Wassup peeps?!!
My good friend Mr. Bitter has recently gotten engaged. I've very excited for him and I think his fiance Missus Sour is a great catch. I mean she puts up with him so she's gotta be a keeper right? When I first moved to Toronto, Mr. Bitter was having bucket loads of girl trouble so I'm just really happy that he found "the one" and is joining the ranks of us old married folk!! They've set a date for November 11th of this year which seems like 6 short months...because it is!!! My god six months and Mr. Scheffy will be married. Sniff...brings a tear to my eye.
And the G-man's brother is finally getting married. After two children together and years and years of love they are doin' it! G's flying out for the nuptuals. I'm not going as I can't get the time off work and it's about $1000 to go. I'll be there in spirit!!
Rabs is tying the knot this year too but god, she's been engaged like, forever so that's old news. I do get to go to a dress fitting though and am excited at the opportunity for a sneak peak at the gownage before the big day.
Ma Soeur is moving out here really soon. I think they leave Port MacNeil in a couple of weeks and they'll take a couple of weeks holiday while they drive out....and then she'll be here!!! With her beautiful boys. Oh god I can't wait.
Look out for Sunday!!!
The boss if off today so I'm taking the opportunity to catch up on a little bloggin!
Our house feels like Hockey Central lately. With a Canadian Team in the finals it seems that we have something to cheer about. Now lets see if they can pull it off.
G's friend from Vancouver is coming to town tomorrow morning and staying with us for the weekend. Our first guest for the guest room. It's very exciting.
My cousin E is getting "confirmed" on Sunday. I'm going out in the morning for it. Don't know what exactly to expect but I'm up for an adventure.
After that I'm coming back into town for Steve and Jill's housewarming. Good friend's of our's bought a house a few months ago (lucky bastards) and are having a little shindig Sunday afternoon.
Then it's Season Three of Deadwood. Apparently the last season I'm sad to hear. This series is amazing. I think next to Six Feet Under, it's my favourite HBO production. The Sopranos really let me down this season and if the final 8 episodes due in January are friggin fantastic, I'm going to be REALLY disappointed.
But Deadwood is so edgy and interesting and SO many layers to it; I love it! Sunday night c-suckers. Sunday night!!!
Too tired to blog.
Someone say something funy to get me through the rest of the day.
Letterman on Cowboy Phrases
1. "I'm gonna pump you fulla lead!"
2. "Give me a stiff one, barkeep!"
3. "Don't fret -- I've been in tight spots before."
4. "Howdy, pardner."
5. "You stay here while I sneak around from behind."
6. Two words: "Saddle Sore."
7. "Hold it right there! Now, move your hand, reeeal slow-like."
8. "Let's mount up!"
9. "Nice spread ya got there!"
10. "Ride'em cowboy!"
Funny because it's true!
"That is easy," she replied, "You surround yourself with intelligent ministers and advisors."
"But how can I tell whether they are intelligent or not?" he inquired.
"You ask them a riddle," she replied, and with that she pressed a button and said, "Would you please send Tony Blair in."
When Blair arrived, the Queen said, "I have a riddle for you to answer for me. Your parents had a child and it was not your sister and it was not your brother. Who was this child ?"
Blair replied, "That is easy. The child was me."
"Very good," said the Queen, "You may go, now."
So President Bush went back to Washington and called in his chief of staff, Karl Rove. He said to him, "I have a riddle for you, and the answer is very important. Your parents had a child and it was not your sister and it was not your brother. Who was this child?"
Rove replied, "Yes, it is clearly very important that we determine the answer, as no child must be left behind. Can I deliberate on this for awhile?"
"Yes," said Bush, "I'll give you four hours to come up with the answer."
So Rove went and called a meeting of the White House Staff, and asked them the riddle. But after much discussion and many suggestions, none of them had a satisfactory answer. So he was quite upset, not knowing what he would tell the President.
As Rove was walking back to the Oval Office, he saw former Secretary of State Colin Powell approaching him. So he said, "Mr. Secretary, can you answer this riddle for me. Your parents had a child and it was not your sister and it was not your brother. Who was the child?
"That's easy," said Powell, "The child was me."
"Oh thank you," said Rove, "You may just have saved me my job!" So Rove went in to the Oval Office and said to President Bush, "I think I know the answer to your riddle. The child was Colin Powell!"
"No, you idiot!" shouted Bush, "The child was Tony Blair!"
Nothing Major!
Saturday was a tough day for me and although I'm not going to go into all the details, I will say that I stepped out of my comfort zone and handled myself with grace, integrity and strength.
Saturday night was much more enjoyable! Mr. Bitter & Missus Sour came over for dinner. Delightful. Simply scrumptious and refreshing. They're good eggs those two. A little hard boiled but good eggs!! ;)
Sunday I spent the afternoon with my Aunt Kathryn and my Dad. He's actually made what I think is a lot of progress. I'm still of the mind that he won't be even CLOSE to how he was before the heart attack but on Sunday he was laughing, joking and we even got through a game of Connect Four. I left feeling inspired which I haven't felt with him for quite some time.
I then spent the rest of the day at the Nail Salon. Nails and toes. Heavenly. Pefectly civilized. It took forever because I wanted to wait for the woman that I know does a really good job because the last few time I've gotten Johnny New Guy! Okay job but not great. The plus side of it taking so long was that as I was finishing up my dear friend DOC walked by and we had a nice catch up. He's been doing Slava's Snowshow in New York (that's him on the website with Regis and Kelly!)so I don't get to see much of him. He's a fellow Overcoater and so we got to catch up on all the "who is and who isn't doing the next leg of the show"! Very exciting.
And then before you know it I was watching the season finale of Survivor. Can't say I'm particularly happy with the results but then, I haven't like the past few winners. I think this may have to be my last round of Survivor. It's getting so repetitive and unimaginative. Time to move on to bigger and better things. I hear Deal / No Deal is pretty fantastic. Thoughts?
PS: I'm a little concerned that Jody's site doesn't seem to be up and running on Blogger. Have you forsaken us Grody?
Turns out...
Shoes make me happy

It's amazing what a fancy pair of shoes and a little sunshine can do for a mood on a Friday morning. I woke up chipper and rather peppy; not too sure why. I got my first pedicure of the season last night so I knew I'd be wearing open toed shoes today - maybe that was it. I opted for my delightful Chinese Laundry babies that I picked up while in SF (see pic)and with the sun shining - all is right with the world.
Check out Chinese Laundry . com. Fab shoes hidden here!!!
It's been a while so here's a long one...
I’m going to write a book and I’m waffling between two titles. Let me know which you like better:
Title #1:
I’m not a nag, you’re just an idiot.
Title #2
He pushed me to it Officer!
Rant A:
I don’t understand why I have to repeat things a thousand times and hope that one of those thousand times what I’m saying gets stuck in. Sometimes I feel that unless I dress myself in full hockey gear and shoot a puck at his head he won’t listen to what I have to say. (trust me, I’ve thought of doing it!) I went out for dinner one night with work colleagues after getting to the end of a day long meeting. I told G I had the meeting, and although the dinner hadn’t been formalized as of yet, I was sure the boss was going to take us out. He had in the past and gave no indication that he wouldn’t this time around.
Dinner finishes and as I’m heading to the subway I see “Four missed calls and two voicemails” on my cell phone. I think that something must be wrong! I try not to panic but y’all know my history with family tragedy as of late so my heart rate is up significantly. I listen to the messages. G has forgotten that I’m going out for dinner and he’s asking me when I’ll be home from work. The second is him saying that he’s starting to worry if I’m ever coming home and to call him as he picked up a nice salad for dinner. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
So there’s the listening / remembering thing…don’t get it.
Rant B:
Then there’s the male common sense vs. female common sense. Wait a second. Maybe I have to stop talking in such sweeping generalities. I’ll say: G-man’s way of thinking vs. my way of thinking. I’m a light sleeper. In the last 6 or 7 years, something weird happened to my sleep pattern and now I wake up at the sound of a whisper. There are two issues I want to address in this portion of my rant. First being the alarm clock. G likes to set the alarm with enough time for four or five snoozed before having to get up. This is all fine and good if I’m up before him but if he needs to get up at some ungodly hour like 4:30am or, a little less ungodly but still ugly time of say, 5:30 he sets the alarm AGES before he actually has to get up. Fine for him. He falls back asleep on those 8 minute snoozes no problem. Me? I’m awake and that’s about it. No more snoozing for me! Regardless of what time it is. Then! He gets up while I’m doing my best “I’ll just lay here with my eyes closed” routine. He’s in and out, banging and crashing, lights on….and this is the second portion of my “common sense” rant. He continually leaves the light on, albeit a small corner desktop lamp, when he goes out of the room. ON. Leaves it. ON. I understand he may be coming back at some point but …do you really need the light on when you’re not in the room and I’m trying to at least resemble someone is sleeping?!
While chatting (read venting) last night to my girlfriends about such situations we quickly realized that we are not the only ones in these types of situations. All three of us women had similar “forgetting / not listening / not using common sense” stories. Why do they this to us? Why do they turn us into stereotypes? I understand stereotypes are there because they are usually true…but why?
I just don’t get it.
Okay…rant done.
Having said all that I want to say that I do love my husband for all the other things he does:
Cleans the litter box
Uses the lint brush on the couch
Cooks me fabulous dinners
Calls me during the day to make me laugh
And most of all, deals with my mood swings like they’re no big deal.
He’s not a bad guy. That’s not what I’m saying here. I guess it’s the whole “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” thing. I’ll have to get a rocket ship to make the commute less of a bitch!
Home Sweet Home
Last week was mental at work. Not only doing my every day to day things but catching up on 120 (yes 120!) emails in my inbox! Not my idea of a warm return!!
But Vancouver was good. A little sad (had to go through a lot of my mom's old things), a lot of fun (G-man didn't work until 3pm during the week so we actually felt like we were on holidays with all the free time and visiting with friends!) and very eye opening.
It's hard for me to fully describe what I mean by eye opening but I will say that I am very happy in my life and I'm very happy with the choices I've made over the last 6 years. They've led me to a very good, very grounded and very satisfying place and I immensely grateful for that.
Do I miss Vancouver and all that's there...some parts. But I love it more now that I don't live there. I remember not giving the mountains and ocean a second thought while I lived there and this time out, I was continually marveling at their beauty. Gorgeous.
But I will say that I'm glad to be home. My girls, my space, my T.O.!!

So I've taken a couple minutes at the gorgeous Vancouver Public Library to do a quick post.
It's been a little wet (to be expected) and a little sunny (somewhat unexpected) but I'm having a great time. Nothing like time with friends and family. It's amazing how quickly all the drama comes back.
More late.
Ciao y'all.
- Why do people pick their nose in public? I know it's easy to walk around in your own little bubble lost in your thoughts but we can still see you there. We can see you diggin there and frankly, it's really grossing me out!
- Why do people feel the need to meander in the pedestrian high traffic areas during rush hour? I'm all for being on vacation or retired or playing hooky or whatever reason you have for not being a part of the mad dash to and from work, but for the love of god, get out of the way for those of us that slept in, or spent too long on our hair, or even just stood in the shower for an extra five minutes. We're late and you're in our way!
- Why do people think that their bag warrants a seat of its' own during rush hour? If you can sit there, in the seat beside your purse/laptop/shopping bags (and we all know how much I love and endorse the shopping excursions), and show me that you have in fact bought two tickets for the subway/streetcar/bus, then I have no qualm. If in fact your just an idiot then we have a problem.
Any one else with a few "why"s of their own?
It's all good
I'm outta here!
I'm heading to Vancouver bitches! You heard me! I'm going on Vacation with a capital "V". G's going out to do the Auto Show and I'm going so I can stay in his hotel and visit with all my peeps!! I leave next Friday on an 8:30pm flight and don't come home until the 9th of April. And I come back to a four day work week. Good Friday! Wahoo!
While I'm there, I hope to convince my brother and sister to come down so we can have some face time. I'll check in on the grandparents out in Langley/Aldergrove. My girl T is having her car presentation with her new business Arbonne. Mercedes people...shwing! My SIL's birthday party is on the 8th AND my boss and a work colleague are coming out for a site visit while I'm there. They want me to show them the town so now I have to find someone to fill me in on all the new hotspots.
I was never really a go out for dinner, bar star, club chick when I lived there. I mean I had my favourite restaurants but they were the little sushi or indian place on the corner where you could have a meal for $7.95. These guys like SWANK and considering the boss is paying I'm going to find somewhere good!!!
Plus there's all the other peeps to see. It's going to fly by I'm sure. But I'm really looking forward to being there. April is usually pretty nice. Not too too raining and the cherry blossoms come out around that time. It might be a little early for that but...whatever! I'll be on VACATION!!!
Movies, movies, movies!!!
I inherited a laptop through work as I needed something to take notes on and do presentations with during offsite meetings. I love my new laptop because of why? Window's Movie Maker! I spent the better part of Friday night making a little movie with footage of Marlowe. Unfortunately the system crashed (great laptop!) and I lost it but it was fun to learn how to use the program.
My challenge now seems to be converting the footage that comes from my digital camera as a ".mov" into ".avi". When I did it Friday night, although it took a long time, it converted no problem. When I tried last night it crashed both our home desktop and the laptop. Not sure if my clips are too long or what but it's frustrating the hell out of me cuz I wanna play some more!!!
After that I have to learn how to post my little movies. You just wait! I can hear you all collectively rolling your eyes at the thought of Lucy and Marlowe movies all over my blog!
Yet another Update - Will I ever get back to regular posting?!!!
First things first! My sister and her family are moving to Ontario!!! I'm so excited!!! As you may or may not know, my sister (and her husband O, she didn't do it all herself!) has three young boys and I've always had a hard time knowing they are growing up on the other end of the country from me. I haven't been able to spoil them the way an Auntie should!!! But now they'll be in Milton, less that 45 minutes away! They'll finish out the school year and then drive across and make a family vacation out of it! Another reason to anticipate the coming of summer!!!
Last night's Oscars were a bit dull to say the least. It's a good thing that a) I was hanging out with a group of friends and b) betting on the outcome. It's even better that I tied with TOJ and we got to split the jackpot! Yeah for us!!!
We've moved!!! Wednesday was the big move day! Phew! We hired movers this time for a couple of reason. First of all, we're lazy and we didn't want to have to do any work. Just kidding. Actually, we're just getting old and our bodies are breaking down so we didn't want to have to do any work. Alright alright! Considering it was mid-week, we didn't have the "friend-pool" to draw from so instead of doing ALL the work ourselves, we hired help. These guys were awesome. Two big strapping Russian guys with very very thick accents. Boy did they work hard. It was great. That's not to say we didn't work hard too; they were getting paid by the hour and the more work we did to help the less the final bill would be. All in all it came in at five hours from the time they arrived to the time they left, plus one hour of travel for them to and from. Let me say one thing: if you are a person over the age of 30 and you can afford it....hire a moving company to help you move! You won't regret it. I promise you. Just seeing those guys carrying our cumbersome items up the one level of stairs (new apartment is a walk up) was worth the price of admission. That wasn't my straining back or aching biceps. (I know they're huge already!) Well worth it I tell ya! If you're looking for a little company that has good hard working movers, check out GTA Movers.
That's about it. Living amongst boxes and chaos but I already love the new pad. The family was out yesterday and gave us the seal of approval. Big thumbs up. The girls (Marlowe & Lucy) are adjusting although Marlowe has taking to spending a lot of time in a closet. Not in a cowering kind of way but in a sleeping kind of way. Every time we can't find her she's sleeping in this closet. Oh well, at least she's sleeping and not meowing her head off like she did our first night there. I think we got maybe 45 minutes of sleep the whole night cuz she was so freaked out. But the next night she got rather closely acquainted with the closet (by accident got locked in) and we didn't hear a peep! So now we've given her a little more freedom by just locking her in the 2nd bedroom. Seems to be working out okay. She doesn't have too much space to roam and get freaky!!
Oh Orlando!
- When the Lord of the Rings Trilogy was being release, I was in the thick of it with all the LOTR nerds. Love the movies, love the extended versions on DVD, even have the Trivial Pursuit - Lord of the Rings Movie version.
- I love / techno house music. Although some may disagree that this is "technically" techno music. Whatever. It's awesome.
Okay...now you might understand why I had to post this.
And this is just simply CRAZY!
I needed a day like today
7:05 am Feed cats (kick Marlowe in the bum for waking me up at 5:30am with her incessant meowing).
7:06 Start coffee maker (one of my favourite Christmas gifts from F&MIL)
7:08 Shower - completely luke warm ...can't wait to move. One guarantee we have from the previous tenant of our new apartment is the shower pressure and temperature is fabulous!!!
7:15 Coffee - nectar of the gods
7:16 Check email - read and return
7:18 Decide to go into work late - no boss = no hurry
7:35 Go wake up G - I've heard the alarm going off for quite a while and I decide he should get up with me, now that I've decided to go into work late. Get dressed while convincing him to get his hairy butt out of bed (oops...TMI? Sorry folks)
7:45 Should be heading out the door but instead I sit down on the couch to watch G play some Grand Turismo.
8:00 Last exit opportunity to leave the house with any hope of getting to work on time.
Go to start my make up.
8:07 Do hair.
8:17 Kisses goodbye and out the door.
8:45 Arrive at work. Really only 15 minutes late. No one notices or would care if they did.
9:00 Go downstairs for a coffee and bagel. Yummy with cream cheese today.
9:10 Back at desk. Start catching up on my blog reading.
10:00 Post MzMaizun Blog (see below)
10:05 Surf more blogs, ie Postsecret, Go Fug Yourself, etc.
11:00 Have to burn some files onto a CD for a co-worker....gawd! Yeesh
11:12 Go to the Rogers Wireless website and browse for a new ring tone. Find this. So excited. Please call me so I can hear it!
11:45 Chatting with a female co-worker and have to make up a reason why I can't go to this with her next Friday night. Not that I'm not into this I just really covet my Friday nights. When I tell her I might be caught up with packing, not only does she offer to come over and help me pack but says that if we want help the evening of the 1st, she can come by and help us unpack as well. Is she on crack?
12:30 Search online for replacement computer accessories for new hire. No luck. Pass project on to co-worker with more "connections".
12:45 ....mmmm don't remember
1:20 Go to get my nails done up at Wellesley and Yonge - Nail's Attraction. Love it!
2:30 Get back to work.
2:35 Search through store room of old computer parts to find needed computer accessories. Apparently co-worker's "connections" didn't help her out any.
3:00 Return some emails from boss....he took his Blackberry with him!! Damn!
3:30 Go downstairs for food.
3:45 Browse through the bookstore for any new Jeffrey Deaver books. None.
3:55 Consider buying some Pringles to go with my Chinese Food. Decide against it as I figure it will be chips, beer, 2 episodes of 24 and 3 of CSI Las Vegas (on the pvr) while I pack tonight.
4:00 Start blogging.
4:22 Post
ah...I really needed a day like this! I'm going home!
The thing of it is, in the four months that I've been temping, there have been certain tasks that have gone without an administrator. The admin that I was replacing left with the only access to a number of "systems". As a result, becoming permanent gave me access to all those "systems" and a crap load of catching up to do.
And the fact that I'm blogging today is not an indication of the completion of all that catching up, it's just "the boss is away...so I will play"...alittle.
I've got some catching up to do in here too! Here are the highlights:
- The Guardianship for my dad is now official. Our court date was February 2nd (god that feels like a year ago already) and with the exception of one small and rather avoidable bump in the process, all went well. The judge was a real character. Super hard-ass, treating the lawyers like misbehaving children from the schoolyard. Granted, I've never seen such unprepared people in my life but the way the judge was treating them, I thought our case was going to be raked over the coals. Luckily for us, he was extremely compassionate to our situation and even suggested to our lawyer to reduce her bill considering it's magnitude. Thanks Judgey!
- Our move is growing closer by the day. Now that we're two weeks away, I hate our current apartment more and more. The hot water/water pressure issues plus the outrageous lack of sound proofing is driving me mad. Last night I went to bed at 11 and finally got up at 11:45 because there was so much going on upstairs that there was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep.
- We think there may be something physically wrong with Marlowe. Internally I mean. Around the pooper! She so needy lately and meowing more than ever. If you've spent any time with her you know she's fairly chatty. Now her chats have gotten intense and demanding. I don't know how to explain it other than she seems royally pissed off about something. So we're going to take her for a check up.
- G's addicted to this, when he's not Event Planning or Auto Show working. Pretty fun to watch. I find myself coaching him through corners and telling him to hurry once he's approaching the finish line. The weirdest thing about watching is that when he's going through the sharp turns, we both lean as if we are really trying to turn. Odd!
And that's about it. Work work work otherwise.