Walkin' the Line

As excited about the weekend as I was on Friday, I was not really up to going to work this morning. I’m feeling like I didn’t quite catch up on enough sleep this weekend with visiting, driving, and movie going. It’s hard to balance the right amount of rest and social activities.

Friday night I had to work late (read – brownie points with the boss’ boss!) and then the G-man and I went to see Walk the Line. As with most bio-pics, it had a few holes but I have to say the performances given by Jaoquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon are fantastic. I wasn’t a huge Johnny Cash fan at the start but this movie had me tapping my toes to more than a few songs. Very well done.

Saturday we went with our friends, Mr. Bitter and Missus Sour, to our newest favourite brunch spot, “Honey Cafe” on College near Bathurst. Great great food, good prices and not too popular when you decide later in the morning to go out. I hate those places that if you don’t go at 9am on a Saturday or Sunday morning, you’re waiting in line for 45 minutes to eat!

Then on Sunday we got up bright and early (thanks to Marlowe – more on that later) to head out to Port Hope to see Dad and the rest of the Maizuns. It was a good visit with Dad and he was much much more conversational. Nice to see him getting back to where he was a few months ago. Still not even close to where he was before June 16th but we’re working on it. After a quick lunch at the Best Western Buffet with Aunt Kathryn we had an even shorter “hello” with Uncle Barry (missed Aunty K and muncheon Eden by a bit) we raced back into the city for dinner plans with Pointy and Mr. McIan.

The hobbit bought a new house a few months ago and along with the lovely Mr. McIan they’ve been going nonstop with home renos and redesign shows up the wazzoo. It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to socialize so they invited The G-man and I along with Rabsy and her Jay-man over for a delightful dinner complete with political and historical conversation. Fishbowl entertained the girls with all of her cuteness to round out a perfect evening.

We went in with Rabs and Jay for a funky orchid type planty thing and it was so nice I’m thinking of getting one for our place. I’ll probably wait until we move (giving notice for March 1st) so it won’t have to go through the trauma of the elements any more than bringing it home from the store.

Okay, get ready for a “cat-related-rant”. Marlowe is driving me out of my mind. During the week, one of the things I tell myself to get my butt out of bed is, “You can sleep in on the weekend.” Well that furry little ball of hell is making that impossible. Here’s my theory: during the week, either G or I are up by 7am, 7:15 at the latest. When the weekend comes around and neither of us are up yet, she panics. And panics. AND PANICS! AND PANICS!! Saturday morning G-man hissed at her in an attempt to speak her language and tell her to shut the F up! Apparently she forgot by Sunday morning and I ended up throwing my slipper at her down the hall (I missed for all you PETA people out there). I’m at my wits end here with her. Any suggestions that don’t entail locking her outside in the subzero Toronto temperatures?

1 comment:

rabsy said...

i too have these crack of dawn cat meowing issues and other than spraying them with water, the only option is to just let them go at it. until we have our own homes that have basements, i don't know what else to do.