Ma Soeur

One good thing that has come out of the passing of my mom is how close my sister and I have become in the last ten months. We still get caught up in our lives and don't talk as often as either of us would like, but we seem to carry a connection to the other with us in our daily lives.
To say that I teased her when we were kids doesn't even scratch the surface of how much I tormented her back then. We didn't really get a long as there is six years between us and Carly always had a way of annoying the shit out of me. As a toddler she used to follow me around and copying everything I did. It's a form of flattery my mom used to say, she wants to be just like you! Whatever! I drove me crazy!!! As we got older I don't even remember what she did to piss me off...just exist I guess. Not many people know the true depths of my torturous nature but my sister experienced the worst of it. I used to sneak into her closet before she went to bed and then jump out and scare the livin' crap out of her. I used to sneak (there was a lot of sneaking involved back then) into the bathroom when she was having a shower and either a) pour cold water over the top of the shower or b) try to grab her through the curtain while yelling "RAAA!!!". Both were big winners!!
I was awful. It's amazing she even talks to me after all the stuff I pulled on her. WhenI was 19 I got into a car accident in my mom's car. My mom freaked out!!! Some guy had hit me but it didn't was her car and she was mad. My sister on the other hand asked me, "Are you okay?" and that was the day we became friends. Strange how that happened but after that day we never got caught up in the silbling bickering that plagued us before.
She just moved to Port McNeil, BC with her family; three sons, husband and a dog. My nephews are the most amazing kids. Extremely well behaved and absolutely adorable.
The hardest part of living in the big T-dot-Oh is being away from her and her boys. I love hearing them call me Auntie C. We were able to spend Christmas together with G's family plus my grandparents and my Uncle J. It was incredible to have everyone around the dining room table. Exactly the way we needed to spend Christmas last year.
I guess I wanted to write this about her today to recognize how far we've come in our relationship. I'm glad she didn't give up on me after I was so rough on her as a kid. She's a good egg that one. I love 'er!
Here are her boys:

oh and that's Santa in the background - he's not related...


Anonymous said...

Seems funny that I don't know Carly, given that I'm your aunt, however if she is anything like you she's got to be a real sweetie! Your Mom brought up great kids. Carly's boys are SO cute...oh and the cold water over the shower thing, I've been know to do that a time or two myself... to your uncle!

rabsy said...

I have in my day punched and pinched and slapped my sister many many times. Many.