Not Informed?

It's been made apparent to me that a couple of people are a little miffed about finding out that G and I are in "baby talks" and they have to learn about said talks through my blog.
I know no one is truly bothered but I want to clarify that no decision has been made. I'm blogging about things in my head and discussions that G and I have been having on this subject. If I wasn't blogging about it, we would still be talking and of course I would still be thinking but NO ONE would know anything. Once a decision has been made (and I believe we are coming close to that decision) then I'm sure we'll be having some one on one discussions.
I also feel it's icky to tell people that we are going to start "trying". It obviously implies that we are going to be having sex...and that's just weird to talk to with some people. Secondly, what if we (god forbid) run into "complications"? Knock on wood that we don't but you never know. I've spent so many years not wanting to have kids that part of me is afraid that I might be barren as pay back!
And I know this may be a cop out but with everything that's been going on with my dad, with working up until the day I leave for SF and with getting ready to go to SF, I haven't had A LOT of time to have one on one conversations with many people. I apologize for that but hey... at least there's the blog!


mrs. awesome said...

i think trying to start a family is just really personal. if it does take awhile (and that's normal), you probably will be glad that the whole world doesn't know. it's intense enough without people inquiring all the time. also, it can be stressful that sex now has a purpose (other than fun and intimacy). if and when you do start trying, remember to relax and just have fun being together.

Ms. Maizun said...

One of my friends told me that "Baby Making Sex" was her favourite kind.