Update on Dad

I sent this out by email this morning. If I missed anyone I apologize. Here it is:
I figured it was time for an update on my dad’s situation. I realized that I was quick to dole out the news when it first happened but then haven’t been so speedy in my subsequent updates. Thank you to all that have asked and I apologize for my tardy report.

I guess I’ve been remiss because it’s quite difficult to describe what’s happening with his progress. I’ll start with the medical mumbo jumbo. His doctor and care workers believe that his progress warrants a more concentrated effort in the form of a Rehabilitation Centre for full time focus on improving his capabilities. They believe that he has made more progress than anyone ever imagined so we’re applying to the three rehab centres in Ontario that have a “slow stream rehab” and focus primarily on “acquired brain injury” patients. He’s stay there until he “plateau’s” and then they’ll determine if he needs to go into a Long Term Care Facility or not. They suspect he will but he’s surprised us thus far, so you never know. Now he’s off the feeding tube for the most part. He’s eating in the dining room for his meals, albeit mushy and not very appetizing, at least he’s eating. He’s somewhat mobile. They’ve had him up with the walker and in a wheelchair that he moves about with his feet. Not quite enough co-ordination to move with his hands yet. He’s getting better at getting up out of bed but still needs some assistance.

On a more personal level, Dad is doing better but by no means is he 100% back with us. Some days are better than others, some days he knows who we are, some days he doesn’t. It seems that even over the course of a visit he can be with me for an hour or so and then gone for the rest of the time. It all depends on how tired he is, how awake he is (you don’t get much if he’s just woken up from a nap).

During our visit with him on Saturday we had about 45 minutes where he really seemed with us. I can’t always understand what he’s saying but it seems that he’s really trying to communicate. And we’ve started telling him when we can’t understand and he’s good about repeating himself but sometimes the misunderstood stuff is repeated in the same manner and we still can’t figure out what he’s saying.

I guess the hardest thing right now is that he’s very emotional. They say this is common with brain injury patients but that doesn’t make it any easier for me considering I’m so emotional myself. Saturday, upon telling him that I loved him he touched my face and looked at me just like the good old days. We had a good boo hoo about the whole situation during which he put his arm around me and patted me on the back. It was very touching and even though we couldn’t always communicate with one another I knew we were feeling the same thing. Shitty deal!

It’s hard not to assume to know what he’s trying to say when the words get jumbled. I want to help him out but ultimately I either don’t understand or just don’t know what he’s trying to say. I’m hoping with more speech therapy we’ll be able to understand him better because I know he gets frustrated with it as well.

And that’s where we are at this point. We’re hoping to get him into the Rehab Centre before I leave for San Francisco on the 22nd but we’ll have to keep our fingers crossed on that one. I’ve met with the lawyer to get the Guardian of Property Certificate handled and she didn’t think it would be too long a process now that the ball is rolling. Again, we’re hoping to have it done before I go but we’re not sure if it can be THAT quick.

Thanks to all for their prayers, good thoughts and well wishes. We appreciate them all and they seem to be working so keep them coming. Love y’all!!

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