Too Much Blogging?

Why do I feel the need to air thoughts that should (or could) remain private? And what is too private for "blogging"?

Questions that came about last night that I don't think I have a concise answer for. I really enjoy blogging and I've been trying to fully understand why that is. Is it my navel gazing nature that's looking for a public forum? Possibly. But all self deprecation aside; this morning I realized that when I left Vancouver, I left behind a very solid and well structured women's support group. We met once a month (with wine and yummies of course) and it was an opportunity to check in and air what was rumbling around in our heads and, more importantly, in our lives. Since moving to Toronto I've threatened a couple of times of starting a similar group out here but it has never taken off. I now see that blogging has, to a certain degree, replaced my women's group. I'm able to air what's going on for me and, as in my group, I get feedback or I don't. Either is okay because it's once it's out, I can move freely again.

Does that make sense?


rabsy said...

i've never had really close female friends, at least not beyond the fun! fun! fun! gaggle of girls i used to hang out with in high school and part of university. those girls are now gone, and since then i've pretty much had a group of gals whom i love and adore and enjoy when i'm around, and i wish we saw each other far more and had such a monthly meeting, but it just seems that life has a way of being a jerk and puts other things (not necessarily more important things) first. But really, we should try harder.

let's try to make it happen more often - we can use this thursday as the first of these monthly catch-up gab fests! Deal?

Ms. Maizun said...

You got it Rabsy!!