Fate is cool eh?

I had a moment this morning on the way to work that made me think about ...fate.

I was on the streetcar heading east and although I normally get off and take the bus south, I realized that I could travel a little further east, get off at the subway and go south that way. Warmer and faster. I decided to stick with my usual route as the bus stop was at my bank and I could grab a couple bucks to get me through the day. Turns out, as soon as the streetcar let us off, the bus was waiting and we had to run not to miss it. The bus travels every ten minutes or so and if I didn't catch this one I'd have been late for work.
I walk onto the bus and there sitting in the front row is one of my temp agents. She almost never takes that bus and I almost didn't take that bus this morning. Fate? Coincidence? Not a big deal by any means, but an interesting happenstance.

1 comment:

rabsy said...

I believe in the cause = effect theory, which is like fate i guess. life is too full of coincidences to be unreal.