What IS that smell?!

Everything smells weird since I've been home. I'm a very ol-factory (smell) orientated person and notice even the minute smell variation in things.
But my apartment smells like dirt. I don't know what it is and at first G couldn't smell it but now he can. I thought it might be my plants but no, they're fine. It's a pervasive "dirt" smell. G thinks it might be paint from the new tenants upstairs but I don't remember paint smelling like dirt.
The towels smell odd too. I know they are clean because G just did laundry but they smell...different. I used GAIN while away and maybe it's just that I got used to it and now the no-name brand we've been using from WalMart isn't cutting it.
And finally, and this one may sound a little strange - hang on to yourself Rabsy - G's beard smells funny. The other night I thought he had been smoking (yes I know...vile habit he occasionally partakes in - not without getting an earfull from me mind you) but he swore he hadn't and it wasn't smelling exactly like smoke but perhaps dried musty cocoa. Weird I know but nonetheless, not normal.

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