While I'm at it

I want to give a shout out to another blogger that I was introduced to when she made a comment on one of my entries back in the day when the G-man and I were first starting our "baby talks". She was a gentle voice of positivity when the decision of whether to go for it or not seemed all to overwhelming.

Grody Jo-Dee is also another young mother currently expecting her second baby. I've also got a link to her blog on the side ----->. Oh this girl is funny! She was constantly cracking me up with her stories of confronting rude people in Wal-Mart, Flashback Fridays and dealing with her impossible mother-in-law. With the birth quickly approaching, the toilet training of her 1st angel in full swing and a possible move to a new state looming over her, Grody Jo-Dee took a break from her daily entries and shut down her blog. Noooooo! I cried. How will I manage? By this time we were commenting on one another's blogs as if we'd known each other for years. (I'm telling you I love bloggers!! Well, my bloggers anyway. Some bloggers can be pretty weird!)

A couple of weeks ago, I was happy to find Grody was back up with the occassional post. I just want to say, welcome back girl! I'm glad you didn't give up on us completely!

1 comment:

mrs. awesome said...

thanks man. sniff. sniff. :)