Welcome Ellen!!

I'm so excited!
One of my favourite blogs is "The Reign of Ellen". I found her one day while blog surfing when I was temping just before I left for SF. I caught up on what was going on with her, her husband Jason and their adorable baby Anna. She's also an amazing artist and love to look at her cartoon and doodles all over her site. In fact, I put a link to her site at the side there ---> a couple of days ago.
I guess one of the reasons I love her blog is because we have a lot of things in common (I just read her [and her husband's] 100 things about Ellen), and I'm often laughing because I see myself in some of the things she says / worries about. More than that I find that she honestly shares the trials and tribulations of being a new mother. I'm not there yet but at least reading one woman's story (plus her blog has tons of links to other new and not so new moms) I feel like I'm somewhat preparing myself.
When I first settled into this assignment after being away in SF, I took some time to go back to the end of August to catch up on what had been happening with her little family. It's strange this "blogger" community. I feel like I have this group of friends that may or may not know I exist. If I comment regularly on their blog then they do know but there are a few that I don't comment on and yet...they're still on my regular rotation of checking in and therefore, my "friends".
Today's a particularly slow day at the office so I was combing her blog for tidbits that I may have missed in previous combings and came across a link to my page!
She put a link to my blog on her page. So flippin' honoured!! Welcome Ellen and friends of Ellen and readers of Ellen's blog. I hope you enjoy your stay. Come back when ever the fancy strikes you!!


Ellen said...

I'm blushing! Thanks for the kudos! (send me a pic and I'll queen ya)

rabsy said...

okay, that baby is one of them cute ones I hear about...

Ms. Maizun said...

OMG Isn't she the cutest! Did you watch the crawling video? Bust out laughing!