
I originally thought my little pumpkin was something special until I saw pics of Mr. McIan's Pumpkins . Then I saw these: The Pumkin Gutter and they blow Mr. McIan outta da water!

It's the little things folks!

I've been "Queen"ed into The Reign of Ellen. (See the sidebar below my profile section)
Hehehe! So cute.

Here's the photo she did the drawing from. It's from Opening Night in SF. Althought I look slightly crazy in the picture, I think she did a great job with the drawing. I even like that she included the pearls!!

7am Bad!!

I realized this morning what it is about "the full time job" that gets me all freaked out. It's not the Monday to Friday, it's not the inflexibility of my time, it's not even the jail-cell/desk option. It's the getting up at 7am part that I HATE. It's the getting up at 7am five days in a row with only two days of getting up whenever my wimsy strikes.
I know I know. I can hear "the comments" now:
  • At least you don't have to get up at five thirty like I do. Did you know it's still dark out at 5:30?
  • When you have a baby you'll be up at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 and there will be no more wimsy striking anyone!

Yes, I don't have to get up at 5:30. I don't even have to get up at 6:30. It's part of the reason why I haven't been able to re-commit to going to the gym first thing in the morning. I hate being up early.

And yes, having a baby will mean little or no sleep. But with a baby you know it's only for a period of time. They will grow to reach a stage (hopefully) when they sleep through the night. The end will eventually come. It may not always be "in sight" but I'll know that it's out there. Some where. Some time.

With "the full time" there is no end in sight and considering my RRSP is pretty much non-existant, who knows when I'll be able to retire and sleep in again. Probably not until I'm so old that 6:30 will be my body's natural time to wake up on its' own!!

White Lies

When are white lies okay?
A fellow blogger had a post about this a while back and although I don't think bold-faced lying is good, are white lies okay?

Busy Day Yesterday

I didn't get a chance to post about my call-back audition for the short film. The first one went so well...not.
I was determined not to get frazzled this time even though I left work later than I had hoped. I went over my lines on the way just to make sure I had them somewhat off the page. I got there and as the nerves started to jump around in my tummy, I forced myself to think of Lucy. Of rubbing her belly and kissing her head and it totally calmed me down!!
As a result, I think the call-back went well. As well as I could have managed anyway. I made the director laugh a couple of time and I always take that as a good sign. Pointy's boyfriend, Mr. McIan was working the camera and he gave me some positive feedback too. Considering he was there for everyone, that made me feel good. I clicked quite well with one of the "Karens" and just okay with the 2nd one. If I don't get the part I'll know that I did all I could do.
I'll find out "by the end of the week" so I'll let y'all know when I know. Keep your fingers crossed!

It's a Halloween Weekend!

I know it's not the 31st yet so it's not technically Halloween today but...

I have to put this photo up because The G-Man and I are going to a party tonight, we're dressing up, and so to get everyone in the festive spirit:

OMG - Cracks me up. Look at the face on the little one...he's so pissed.

You can check out more fun pic's at Stuff on My Cat.

Pumpkin Time!

Wait a minute! That's an egg not a pumpkin? did that get there.
Sunday night The G-man and I carved pumpkins. Saturday night, I had been talking to Pointy's boyfriend, Mr.McIan, about using templates to create something more than the traditional triangle eye'd, triangled nose, block toothed face. I found a couple good ones and printed them off. I bought two pumpkins thinking that I would either do both or that I could convince The G-man to do one too.
We carved, scrapped, sorted seeds and cooked pies. It was a pumpkin filled night. Unfortunately, we now only have my pumpkin to show for it because G's caught some sort of "pumpkin flesh eating disease" and lost half of it's face.

Here's how mine turned out:

Lucy wasn't too sure what to do with this guy:

But then she got distracted by something out the window:

And she finally just sat and waited for early tricker treaters:

And here's a cute picture of Marlowe

Just so you don't think I'm playing favourites...again.

My friend Ham came over the other night and it was obvious that Marlowe didn't want her to go. She put her fat ass on Ham's purse and that was it!


I had an audition for a short film yesterday. I was given the heads up from Pointy last week about this film and that if I liked the script she would pass my headshot and resume on to the director.
The script was quite clever and I thought, why not? A weekend shoot done under the TIP program with Actra, it might be fun! I was scheduled to leave work a little early but my afternoon was swamped which made me really stressed out by the time I got to leave. I tried to go over my lines on the subway but it was already jam packed so getting my sides out of my bag was completely impossible.
I got to Broadview station and arrived over at BadDog Theatre for the audition feeling completely frazzled. Which...didn't help the WICKED case of nerve that seemed to hit during my first reading. Oooh boy! I totally blew KAREN, the character that I had done the most preparation for but luckily he asked me to read for ZOE the other female character and I did much better. I had the idea in my head that ZOE was a little kookier so I allowed myself to play it a little more.
After it was over I was blathering on like an idiot (shut up Cyndi...just stop talking!) to the director about the script until I finally walked out into the rain and headed for the subway. I spent the ride home going over the dialogue for KAREN that I had messed up and of course, I could do it perfectly now that the audition was over. I used to forbid myself from doing that because it would only upset me more knowing that I could do it coolly, calmly and creatively when it didn't count.
I got home and emailed the director because I realized that not only had I left the incorrect Actra # for myself on the sign-in sheet BUT I had also forgotten to sign out when I left. I told him to go ahead and forge my signature (illegal?? hmmm) and gave him my proper Actra number.
Luckily he emailed me back this morning to say that I could change it myself when I come in for the CallBack on Wednesday afternoon. He wants to see me again for ZOE. Yipee!! What a shocker he didn't want to see me again for KAREN!
Wish me luck! NO...don't...bad luck! Just think good thoughts tomorrow around 5:30pm.

Fate is cool eh?

I had a moment this morning on the way to work that made me think about ...fate.

I was on the streetcar heading east and although I normally get off and take the bus south, I realized that I could travel a little further east, get off at the subway and go south that way. Warmer and faster. I decided to stick with my usual route as the bus stop was at my bank and I could grab a couple bucks to get me through the day. Turns out, as soon as the streetcar let us off, the bus was waiting and we had to run not to miss it. The bus travels every ten minutes or so and if I didn't catch this one I'd have been late for work.
I walk onto the bus and there sitting in the front row is one of my temp agents. She almost never takes that bus and I almost didn't take that bus this morning. Fate? Coincidence? Not a big deal by any means, but an interesting happenstance.


God! I knew this day was coming and it shouldn't be any harder to get through than Friday was but today I'm having a hard time.
I'm trying to focus on work, trying to think ahead to the audition I have this afternoon for a fun short film, trying not to remember how my life change immeasurably one year ago today. How I've carried around a piece of sadness, a broken heart, and a dark cloud on a string tied to me for the past year. I'm not sure how long they will be with me but they are here today; especially today.
"happier times"


**First let me preface this post by saying "Everything's fine and everything's been resolved." Having said on.**
Last night I saw a side of myself that is vile and disgusting. It's my temper. I have certain "hot button" issues that that if pushed, send me from 0-100 in about 2.2 seconds. It's not pretty and I'm not proud of it. It reminds me of someone from my past. Someone that was supposed to guide me and teach me as an easily influenced tween/teenager, but instead ranted and raved and hit and threw things and made everyone walk on eggshells. I know I don't have the potential to be violent but I want to learn how to not fly off the handle. It's not even about anger. It's usually something irrational that's rooted in insecurity and inhindsight, never worth getting so upset about.

My question to you is; how do you control your temper? Count to 10? Deep breaths? What? I need help here because this is a dark spot on what kind of person I am and I don't want it there anymore.

While I'm at it

I want to give a shout out to another blogger that I was introduced to when she made a comment on one of my entries back in the day when the G-man and I were first starting our "baby talks". She was a gentle voice of positivity when the decision of whether to go for it or not seemed all to overwhelming.

Grody Jo-Dee is also another young mother currently expecting her second baby. I've also got a link to her blog on the side ----->. Oh this girl is funny! She was constantly cracking me up with her stories of confronting rude people in Wal-Mart, Flashback Fridays and dealing with her impossible mother-in-law. With the birth quickly approaching, the toilet training of her 1st angel in full swing and a possible move to a new state looming over her, Grody Jo-Dee took a break from her daily entries and shut down her blog. Noooooo! I cried. How will I manage? By this time we were commenting on one another's blogs as if we'd known each other for years. (I'm telling you I love bloggers!! Well, my bloggers anyway. Some bloggers can be pretty weird!)

A couple of weeks ago, I was happy to find Grody was back up with the occassional post. I just want to say, welcome back girl! I'm glad you didn't give up on us completely!

If you don't have anything nice to say...

What's with people that tell you you look tired? Do they think they are being insightful?! I imagine them thinking:

"Oh Mz. Maizun looks like shit today. I'll tell her that she looks tired and then she'll know that I understand what a long and hard day she's had. That'll make her feel better."

Are they completely oblivious as to how rude it is to tell someone they look tired!? Even if it is true! Utterly unbelievable!

Now I'll admit, it's sometimes hard to find something nice to say, and some people aren't very good at taking compliments (Rabs!!) but is saying something negative a suitable alternative?

Here's where you might think I'm being hypocritical. judgmentala judgemental person. I feel that I have to qualify that statement by saying; it's only my opinion. Good or bad, positive or negative, it's only what I think and who really cares what I think? For the most pjudgmentsp my judgements to myself. The problem is I'm a perfectionist/control freak so I have a very clear idea in my head about how things should be done. When they aren't done that way, then I have an opinion about it; a judgement if you will. Having said that, I feel that I'm a relatively positive person. I like to instil confidence in people and make them feel good about themselves. I don't run around telling them they look tired because that would produce neither of the aforementioned affects!!!

I have no tolerance for rudeness. Even more than that, rude people that disguise their rude comments in snippy little jokes so that they can always back off from the comment and say "Oh I was only teasing you. Geesh, have a sense of humour!" I'm going to make it my mission to call people out on rude behaviour. Is that rude?

Not sure about this one

I tried the "Spicy Thai Peanut" version of these today against the poor review by my girl Rabsy. I'm not sure if it's just the spiciness that I don't like or the fact that I can't really taste the peanut flavour, or that spicy and peanut should just stay away from tuna.
Any thoughts?
I've got the Lemon Pepper one to try at another juncture.

Welcome Ellen!!

I'm so excited!
One of my favourite blogs is "The Reign of Ellen". I found her one day while blog surfing when I was temping just before I left for SF. I caught up on what was going on with her, her husband Jason and their adorable baby Anna. She's also an amazing artist and love to look at her cartoon and doodles all over her site. In fact, I put a link to her site at the side there ---> a couple of days ago.
I guess one of the reasons I love her blog is because we have a lot of things in common (I just read her [and her husband's] 100 things about Ellen), and I'm often laughing because I see myself in some of the things she says / worries about. More than that I find that she honestly shares the trials and tribulations of being a new mother. I'm not there yet but at least reading one woman's story (plus her blog has tons of links to other new and not so new moms) I feel like I'm somewhat preparing myself.
When I first settled into this assignment after being away in SF, I took some time to go back to the end of August to catch up on what had been happening with her little family. It's strange this "blogger" community. I feel like I have this group of friends that may or may not know I exist. If I comment regularly on their blog then they do know but there are a few that I don't comment on and yet...they're still on my regular rotation of checking in and therefore, my "friends".
Today's a particularly slow day at the office so I was combing her blog for tidbits that I may have missed in previous combings and came across a link to my page!
She put a link to my blog on her page. So flippin' honoured!! Welcome Ellen and friends of Ellen and readers of Ellen's blog. I hope you enjoy your stay. Come back when ever the fancy strikes you!!

Give me back my boobies...boobie thief!!

I went off the pill three months ago for two reasons. 1) My headaches were getting really bad again and I wanted to see if they went away if I went off and 2) G and I were in "baby talks" so I figured I should go off in case there is any validity to the notion that the body needs to have a few months of normal cycles before conception.
Then last month I noticed something odd. My normally supple "C"s were swimming in my brazier! Wha?? I hadn't lost weight (last summer when I was on my "go to the gym everyday, eat 2000 calories and look good for the wedding" kick, my boobies went down a little but not a whole cup size!) so what was going on?! While in SF there was an extra "show bra" but it was a "B" cup so I thought I'd give it a try. Whatdoyouknow?! It fit! Even so, it was a tad big.
I was still stymied as to why my bodacious tatas had gotten so small until one of the other girls mentioned something about going off the pill had shrunken her's.
"THAT'S IT!!" I cried, frightening everyone a little.
Mind you, having figured out why they've gotten smaller hasn't done much for making it all okay. I feel so wee! I've surprised myself with how disappointed it's made me. I had such great pride in my healthy "C"s. My girl Rabs has always coveted them (you know it Rabsy...don't deny it!) and now, they're just tiny. I can barely get a decent decolletage out of them!
Sigh...hopefully getting pregnant will boost up my bust again!!

Pain in the Neck

Life back home is in full swing. The weekend went by in a flash and I'm back at my temp assignment for another week. Who knows if I'll be here next week as the VP I'm working for may be out of his job as of Thursday afternoon. We'll keep our fingers crossed. Although if he escapes with his job then I could be out of one because he's going to want a permanent assistant. Oh well.
I've got a headache from the new pillows we bought Friday night. I always get over zealous when I'm buying new pillows. I never seem to be able to pick ones I can actually sleep on. Last night I had already gone back to my old pillow in hopes of getting rid of the headache that came on Saturday morning. No such luck. The funny part of the story is that Gary and I both bought new pillows. Gary got a softer one than me and once we got home I wanted his instead of mine which, now on the bed, seemed to big and way to firm ( nice!). So at bed time I switched them but he noticed and wanted his back. Fine. I gave it back. But when he went out to get the phone I switched them again and he never noticed. It wasn't until last night when I was complaining about my headache which I thought was from the new pillow, he offered to let me try his. I said, "Well, I already have and it's not working". gets even "funnier"! He said well, now you have your's because I switched them tonight." But I had put given him his orginal pillow when I made up the bed knowing I was going back to my old one. So basically, he gave me back his new pillow. God the hysterics eh?!! Whew...I'll give you a moment to get over this one.


Oh my god the funniest / most embarrassing thing just happened. Funniest for me. Most embarrassing for the other guy.
The way the washrooms work on this floor is that the men's is on the west side and the women's is on the east side. Beside the men's are two handicapped washrooms that most of the women that work on the west side use instead of walking around to the east side. (There is no cut through and it's a pretty long walk when you really have to go.)
I work on the west side. I use the handicapped washroom with some regularity. This morning, after purchasing a fetching new lipstick and liner from the PharmaPlus downstairs I wandered over to my favourite of the two handicappeds (better lighting), but for some reason I was cautious about opening the door. Good thing too cuz there was a guy in there, sittin' on the throne, pants around his ankles, wad of toilet paper in his hands who was going in for the wipe, just as I did. We both started apologizing profusely as he reached for the door, as I closed the door and as he locked it as he should have done in the first place.
Oh my god, why does this stuff happen to me?!!

Can you tell I'm bored?

See below.
Aaww, youre woodstock! Youre a peculiar but popular cutie, who always seems confused. Youre a little forgetful and adventurous and although you might get the odd funny look, the opposite se
Aaww, youre woodstock! Youre a peculiar but popular
cutie, who always seems confused. Youre a
little forgetful and adventurous and although
you might get the odd funny look, the opposite
sex flock around you! Sweeeet!

Which Snoopy Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Broken rule

I just realized why I can NEVER remember how to spell the word 'weird'. The stupid thing doesn't follow the rule!!!

"i before e except after c"

Stupid rule doesn't even work.

San Francisco Pics - FINALLY

Last night when I got home, the G-man was determined to find the source of the "mold" smell. He still can't smell it but was hoping to find some evidence of it to present to the Landlords. Our efforts quickly turned from searching to cleaning and organizing. It was a massive undertaking with two full garbage bags going to the GoodWill and tons of garbage. Very exciting. We didn't find any mold though. But we did find the USB cord!!! So I've downloaded some pics from my trip. Check them out here.

Random Thoughts

I don't get the pin stripes with pointy shoes fashion statement. And it's primarily presented by men. What exactly are they trying to say with this look? I'm thin and pointy?


I saw five pregnant women on my way to work this morning. Oy-vey!!


When I asked my dad who his daughter was last night he said, "Well, you look something like her". heart!


What's with this "misty" rain. Rain and get it over with already!!!

Dinner with the Family

Yesterday was our Thanksgiving Day with The Masons. I dropped off G in Bowmanville to go golfing with the "BOYS" and I went to B&K's in Port Hope to spend the afternoon with the "WOMEN". (If you knew my family you would understand the DIFFERENCE.)
It was a misty day and I wasn't sure the guys would have a good time out there on the course but I guess there was enough flatulence between the four of them to keep them warm. That and the fact that Uncle B almost brained some guy with a hidden corner drive...or something to that effect.
I had a good time catching up with the ladies; hearing about what was going on while I was away and recounting a few stories of my SF adventure.Dinner was a laugh a minute, as it usually is with my cousin T around. I swear this guy needs his own show. I've told him that once he gets a name for himself as a chef I'm going to get him on TV because really people, he needs to be shared with the world!
My Aunt K made the meal which, as usual, was fantastic. There was a squash number that I particularly loved!! By the time we were done we had to go on an extended walk around the block to make room for pie!
The sad part came for me when I remembered walking arm in arm with my dad last year during our "post-feast" walk around the block. Dad and I talked about the upcoming Overcoat-Hartford contract as well as Christmas and our plans for New Years. It's hard to think back on those time and know that our relationship will forever be changed because of the events of June 16th.
On that note; we had a meeting with my dad's "team" last Friday and I think it went pretty well. To be honest they didn't really tell me much about his progress that I couldn't see for myself. His mobility is better. His dexterity is better. His memory doesn't have a lot of carry over but he does seem to be somewhat more conversational.
The good thing that I did take away from the meeting was something his doctor told us. She said that this type of injury is not something that we see results from quickly. It's a very long process, sometimes up to two years, but the stats are pretty good. Now she wouldn't go so far as saying he would make a full recovery and become the man he was before the heart attack, but I did get the impression that there was a great deal that could be re-learned and retained. So, I am once again filled with guarded optimism which I was feeling a little drained of before the meeting.

What IS that smell?!

Everything smells weird since I've been home. I'm a very ol-factory (smell) orientated person and notice even the minute smell variation in things.
But my apartment smells like dirt. I don't know what it is and at first G couldn't smell it but now he can. I thought it might be my plants but no, they're fine. It's a pervasive "dirt" smell. G thinks it might be paint from the new tenants upstairs but I don't remember paint smelling like dirt.
The towels smell odd too. I know they are clean because G just did laundry but they smell...different. I used GAIN while away and maybe it's just that I got used to it and now the no-name brand we've been using from WalMart isn't cutting it.
And finally, and this one may sound a little strange - hang on to yourself Rabsy - G's beard smells funny. The other night I thought he had been smoking (yes I know...vile habit he occasionally partakes in - not without getting an earfull from me mind you) but he swore he hadn't and it wasn't smelling exactly like smoke but perhaps dried musty cocoa. Weird I know but nonetheless, not normal.

Bombs Away

My cat is a hair bomber. This morning, noticing I am wearing black pants, Marlowe starts running past me at high speeds. Every time I would walk from the bathroom to the living room she would follow me and run by. Then as I go back from the living room to the bathroom she would run to the kitchen. It was kind of cute and funny before I spent five minutes with the lint roller getting my pants cat hair free (why do people [me] own cats when they [I] like to wear black so often??!!). I'm on my way to the living room for the last time and Marlowe races past me and barely, I mean barely, brushes against my leg. BLAM! She drops a cat hair bomb. And it's not just a couple of hairs, it's a cluster; a wad if you will. A thick white wad of cat hair! Damn it! Where's that bloody lint roller?!
Lucy quickly attacked her after that so I secretly felt vindicated.

Still sleepy?!!

Jet lag seems to be putting me through the ringer. Not necessarily making me awake at inappropriate times but more so making me tired all the time. It's most annoying especially around 3:30 when all I want to do is crawl under the desk and have a wee nap. I don't think that would go over too well at this new assignment.

So yes, it's day two at "the bank" and things seem to be going well. Not overly busy but I'm still getting used to everything. I'm alittle worried that I may have already offended my "boss". On my outgoing email signature I changed it so it displayed my name and beside "Executive Assistant" I put "Temporary" and underlined it. When he saw an email I sent him this morning he said "Well, I see you want to be clear about your position. Yesterday must have been a rough day!". I don't know him well enough to know if he's joking with me or not. The thing is I'm trying to feel him out (not literally - Rabsy get your mind out of the gutter!) to see if this is a job I could work at - read: maternity leave. So far I quite like him but as we all know, it's still the first few days. I went into the signature and took out the underline and even put my name in a nice blue colour and softer font. Hopefully he knows that I didn't mean anything by it.


Now that I am home, I find myself faced with the reality of getting a full time job in order to receive "maternity leave". I was talking to my aunt about it last night and she seems to think that I may be able to get it through the temp agency because it's a UI issue not so much an "employer" deal. The nice thing about some employers though is that they cover the two week waiting period and "top you up" to a higher amount to match your salary.

While I was in SF I had a pretty major anxiety moment when I realized I was about to come home and that ment getting a job for probably close to a year. That idea scares me more than the idea of having a baby and raising it to be well adjusted and fully equiped to deal with whatever the world may through at them. It's ridiculous really considering in the grand scheme of life, it's not that long and it would really help us out financially. I'll have to give it some more thought and look into my aunt's suggestion in the mean time.

Who ARE you?

Yesterday morning around 7am Marlowe really starting going for it with the meowing. It was incessant. By 8 I decided to get up and give her some food to try and shut her up. For some reason I grabbed my glasses but nothing else = buck-naked. I walked out, went down the hall to the kitchen, filled both bowls with fresh food, kicked Marlowe in the bum and told her to be quiet (not a hard kick mind you...more like a nudge) and then walked back down the hall to go back to bed. For those of you that know the layout of our apartment you’ll know that the hallway opens up to the living room and then just to the right is a closet kitty-corner with our bedroom door. I’m about to reach for the doorknob when my eyes fall to our bright red couch. At first I think my eyes are playing tricks on me but a fraction of a second later I realize that someone is sleeping on the couch. Considering it was my first night home I don’t think I have to tell you where G was sleeping. I asked myself if it could be Ethan, a friend of ours who stayed at our apartment when G went out to BC for the last two weeks of my trip. Nope... too skinny & blonde hair. All the while I’m standing there wearing nothing but my glasses. I’m getting a little freaked out at this point so I decide it’s time to involve G. I walk into the bedroom and this follows:

Me: G! There’s someone sleeping on our couch.

G: (with incredulous WTF look on his face)What?!

Me: There is someone sleeping on our couch!

G gets up, puts on a robe (why didn’t I think of that) and goes out of the bedroom. Now I put on a robe and grab the phone and listen at the door ready to call 911 incase the situation gets nasty. I hear this:

G: Who are you?

Stranger: huh?

G: Who are you?

Stranger: mumbles something I can’t understand

G: Did you have a rough night on College Street?

Stranger: Aren’t I at bladdy bladdy on bloobidy Street?

G: No. You’re at (our address).

Stranger: Oh

G: So basically you’ve broken into a stranger’s house and crashed on their couch.

More talking follows that I can’t hear but G told me that he looked down at a pair of high heels that I had brought home from my trip and the guy says, “Those aren’t mine” while he’s putting on his pants. Oh ya! Did I mention he was sleeping in boxers and a t-shirt? No? Well ya. Boxers and a t-shirt! So then the guy gets up and starts to walk towards the kitchen. G thinks that he might be trying to make a run for it so he cautiously follows behind. They get to the back and he asks, “Where are my sandals?” to which G replies, “I don’t know dude. Where are your sandals?” (or something to that affect.) Stranger guy suddenly figures out where he is with an, “Oh ya!” and turns to go into the downstairs apartment. G looks down there to find the door wide open. Buddy walks into René’s apartment and goes into the bathroom. G, not wanting to pawn our problem onto René calls out, “René! Do you know this guy in your apartment?” After another couple tries (she’s not quite awake a this point) she answers him with a laugh and a “Ya”. G pulls the door closed and comes back to the bedroom where we stand there and stare at each other with looks of WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED??!!! on our faces.

Turns out the guy is a new boyfriend of René and he has a history of sleepwalking. Oh Joy! I can’t wait to see where he turns up next!

Home Sweet Home

Back in the big T dot O dot. It’s so fantastic to be home. I had limited exposure to the internet so I feel like I’ve let down my little blogger community. But don’t worry folks; I’ve just started a 6 week contact at a bank downtown so “we’re back in business baby!!”

I had a wonderful time in San Fran with the show and the Overcoaters, but I’m telling you… there’s no place like home. The first two weeks there were tough because I was concerned with what was going on at home with my dad. Plus, being away from G is never easy. I guess by the end of the second week I was able to relax and get updates from my aunt, uncle and G. (In case you’re keeping track - Dad was moved to Toronto Rehab on August 29th and has been making small steps of progress. I’ll keep y’all posted as I spend time with him and can take note of what they are for myself.)

The show was well received. I did A LOT of shopping and some touristy things and hung out with my peeps from the show. I’d have some pictures but my wonderfully efficient husband cleaned out the “clutter” drawer and now we can’t find the USB cord. So pictures will follow soon I promise.

The Wall Street Journal has created quite a buzz around the show, but we have yet to hear if that means any future bookings. Rumours are flying, as they always do at the end of a contract, but like I said, no contracts are on my table as of yet. I’ll give you a little insight into the negotiations process that happens when interest from one theatre is made towards the show. From the time the initial call comes in to the time we are booked into the theatre, takes about a year…minimum. I seriously doubt we’ll be going out any time before fall of next year.

The issue is that now I’m at a point in my life where I’m not going to have as much flexibility to just hop on the bus and go out with the show as I used to. It would still be difficult for me to have the show go out with someone else playing my part but as you understand, my priorities are starting to shift. I know that now I'm more interested in future tour dates fitting into my life and what's going on, not so much the other way around.